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Reviews for "Destrocity"

Personally, I don't think I would honk my horn if I was driving through a demolished city and came upon a giant standing in the middle of the road. It would just seem...unwise.
Of course, even if I were 15ft. tall I don't know if I could knock down a skyscraper just by punching the ground next to it a few times so maybe giants aren't all they're cracked up to be.

All jokes aside I did enjoy your game. TarraIronWolf has some good suggestions but here's my two cents:

1)There needs to be harder cities, or a larger city, or maybe just weaker upgrades. By day 3, with 2 regen upgrade, 2 health upgrades, 2 strength upgrades, and 1 healing skill, I was literally invincible. Not only is the game not challenging if you take less damage than you heal, once you destroy all the buildings there really nothing to do except laugh at stupid motorists and commit suicide by cop.

2)The buildings are really at the heart of any city destruction game, on way or another. Here, although they were worth a lot of point, they weren't all that interesting and the funnest thing to do (destroy them while climbing on them) emptied your stamina bar. I'm not suggesting you rampantly rip-off Rampage but I think it would be cool if there were more things to do with the buildings. Get on top and bad at airplanes for example, oh, no, wait...

3)The cars, too, I think could be used more thoroughly. I really like how when you destroyed a house a person came out; maybe some of the stopped cars should have people fleeing from them too. It might also be nice if we could pick-up and throw the vehicles.

Hmm, reviewing my review it looks like I'm just telling you to remake Rampage, which isn't really what I meant. But, hey, it got relicensed several years ago now and there aren't any copies (readily) available on the internet anymore so maybe there's a niche there. You're already doing a good job and seem to be enjoying it so maybe I should just leave you to it and stop rambling.

P.S. I loved the birds

FlashTavern responds:

Cauthorn, hello my friend! I am currently trying to scale out the difficulty to a happy medium between everyone. It's proving to be quite difficult but I'm sure I'll eventually be able to nail a good scale. Your suggestions are awesome, though. I'd like to incorporate something more with the vehicles, possibly "skating" on top of cars or picking them up and tossing them as you suggested. A larger city would also do wonders. Thanks for the in-depth review. It is much appreciated!

A fun simple game that remind's me alot of Rampage. A enjoyable game but i would suggest to have a way to jump off the side of the building so you don't have to slowly climb your way back down and to be able to regain health by eating people. But overall a fun game

FlashTavern responds:

SlySloth, consider it added. I'm also considering adding a "building hopping" feature as some others have suggested that allows you to jump off of one building onto an adjacent one. Thanks for reviewing, my friend. Appreciation, as always.

This is an excellent game, and I really appreciate the time you spent on this.
That being said, there are a couple of issues that I found with this game and I'm not sure if they're bugs or intentional features. Namely, soldiers can't be eaten, nor can the ice block attack affect them.
That aside, I have no problem with the game as it is right now, and look forward to your planned improvements!

FlashTavern responds:

Hey entropiCCycles. Thanks for playing and reviewing! At the moment, the military personnel are not consumable. The update I'm currently preparing will fix this issue. As for the ice blocks, consider it fixed. Thanks again!

'1cOn' is right. This reminds me so much of rampage. Thank you for doing this. Happy easter.

Really, a good game but a little world.