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Reviews for "Invaders"

awesome, it sorta looks like wt we r doing to Earth

It could really use a PRELOADER . . . but animation wise, its great :D

I very much like the message and style!
Only thing that bothered me is it seems you might have to sacrifice the quality of the video in order to upload it or did you intentionally make it blurry?

I'm pretty sure the virus was a metaphor for humanity, about how we enslave and fight one another in our efforts to bleed our Earth dry.

Human are a bacteria and this video is a pretty dope analogy for hope true that is. Petroleum is unsustainable and we're killing each other for an unsustainable resource which eventually will run out albeit we all love to deny deny deny. I didn't catch what the last thing the doctor said or in what language it was a little bit hard to hear over the music but I do like the music on this. Cheers.

flf3030 responds:

The doctor says : "Il y a quelque chose qui cloche chez vous", which means "something is wrong with you" to the patient. He is speaking in french. Next time i'll put subtitles.
You're right, music&sounds balance is pretty cheap on this one.