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Reviews for "FUCKING AGGRON"

Awsome. Awosme to the max. You totally convinced me that Aggron is best pokemon. I loved the animation, and the content was hilarious. Keep this shit up, and i may become a fan.


So here, the plot is an advertisement eschewing all Pokemon except for Aggron, the "most bad-ass ********************* beast" ever. It is based on a voice-over track by Rice Pirate that Noam was slated to animate, but after that fell through, PhuzE gave it a shot. The inspiration delves further to a poster about Aggron found at the Funny Junk site; please refer to the Credits & Info section on the left-hand side of the fabulous new Newgrounds Display for details.

Powerthirst advertisements came to mind as a good benchmark of comparison. I mean the skits (found easily on YouTube) that lampoon sports energy drinks and vitamin/muscle-building powders (you know, "F-18 made out of BICEPS!"); there is an actual Powerthirst product these days, but it never got the hype that the fictional product made for itself. Anyway, the Powerthirst skits are brilliant as they lampoon every trick used in extreme testosterone advertising, like merging words together to instill masculinity in everything to hype up the product beyond its stated function. Here, it's no different: Aggron is presented to us in such an overblown fashion that it becomes infectiously ridiculous. Rice Pirate did an admirable effort to trim down the length (and coarseness--the original language is grating and often unnecessary) of the poster and adapt it into a short prompt that can be televised (at least for online viewing). Since the source material is stunted next to the sheer brilliance of the Powerthirst skits, it's already swimming upriver. Rice Pirate never went beyond what the poster did, instead of melding aspects of it with comic allusions of his own design. Thus, all Aggron has is its ******* profanity, vulgarity, and overblown attitude; Powerthirst, overall, is far wittier.

All of this input from Rice Pirate will tell you is that the sound quality and acting will be at the top of their game, which is good because I really didn't embrace the simplicity of PhuzE's rendering of it. I really didn't. It's all speedy and in-sync and all--everything you expect when the audio is produced first and the animation second--but it has no real heart to it. Also, the sequences containing a stock image of the creature in fashion clashes with the smoothness of the regular animation. It's great that the lip-sync and everything is up to par, but the announcer did not look cool enough or striking enough to warrant so much screen time. Meanwhile, the backgrounds were flat and the juxtaposition between the vectors and that picture of Aggron became glaring. Fact of the matter: Aggron should have been redrawn in vectors and animated. Was this cartoon done on a time frame?

In any case, yeah, this is sure to get a rise of laughter, but the original poster is outright insane, if a little funnier from the sake of being complete. It's nice how well Rice Pirate converted the wall of text into a passable extreme advertisement but PhuzE's lackluster and inconsistent delivery of its visual treatment leaves something to be desired.

First time voting on an "Under Judgment" piece. Turns out - pretty sweet. Deserves your attention if only for its ass-backwards retardedness. Made me titter.

For being so awesome, Aggron is only in Rarely Used. But that's beyond the point. The art was meh, but was made up for the awesome voice acting and comedic timing. I look forward to more of your work.

Best I've ever seen. And funny too.