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Reviews for "Traitor"

Excellent game! The animation and the controls are smooth and it has an interesting story line. Although I encountered a bug. I finished all the missions on some of the locations and got the upgrades but the counter still says that there are missions and upgrades left.

A beautiful game; well done.

A couple of notes, though; some on bugs and some on game play.

First, the game play. I loved the beginning where the missions were actually challenging but completely doable (as long as you spend more time dodging than killing), the difficulty was perfect, but after just a few upgrades, namely the reg. ones, my ship was virtually indestructible. By the time I'd completed ~12 missions I didn't even really bother dodging anymore because I was healing faster than I was taking damage. After that the missions were monotonous because they were all too easy and I collected upgrades only out of compulsion because I was already as powerful as I needed to be. More balanced upgrades, or far more powerful enemies in later levels, would have made the game a lot better for me.

Second, this game still has the occasional bug; here's the ones I found if you're interested in doing another update.

When I loaded the game after beating it I was taken to the game-over 'scene', which isn't ideal in my opinion. Then, when I started a new game after beating it once, supposedly overwriting the old save file, I got to replay the opening but my ship was already maxed and when the opening finished all the missions were already beaten (also, Occator Prime claimed to have -3 upgrades available) so for some reason it didn't really start a new game.

Two other small bugs: the game froze on me several times just as I completed the second scanning mission in the Razna Convolution; I tested this on Chrome & Aurora and got the same result. If I clicked outside of the game, pausing it, when I unpaused it it would advance a little bit and after doing this several times it got over it.

Also, after completing all mission and gaining all upgrades (except the final mission) there were still 2 missions listed for the Nyx Conglomeration that weren't really there (I searched quite thoroughly).

Criticisms aside, it really is a fun shooter, though, and the story aspect is well done. I congratulate you again on making it.

JonasKyratzes responds:

Thanks for the feedback! I think I've just figured out why one of these bugs is happening, and I'll look into the rest. I had the game tested by a lot of people, but with it being so big and some bugs only showing up on some systems, it's frustratingly hard to catch everything.

I would pay for this. The gameplay is typical of the average vertical flight shooter, but this combined with the upgrades adds a whole new level to the experience. The element of choice helps too. The graphics are unique, and the music fits the game very well. The only major con is that there isn't more of an option to stay with the Augustun Hegemony, and things are a bit too black and white for my tastes. The story is simple, but it makes you feel like you're making a difference.

GLITCH: For some reason or other, when using the ship that heals you, it would not heal you OR it would actually freeze the game when you tried to summon it. Just so you know.

Review: Otherwise I did like this game, however I found it got too easy near the end. The hard parts (though you wouldn't expect it) were at the start.

JonasKyratzes responds:

Thanks, I'll try to find out what's going on there. I have the feeling something odd happened with the last upload.

A very enjoyable game. The gameplay was both simple yet fun which was suited for the simplistic outline graphics, it worked well enough that even with little variation on objectives the game didn't get boring. I did enter the game with an objective mind but despite skipping most of the early dialogue I did find it began to captivate me to want to complete it with how you made the setting of the game revolve around showing the state people were in which wanted me to play to help them.

Perhaps my biggest complaint would be that I had no idea what order I was playing in, but with that said I just went around getting upgrades to weapons and regeneration (which did break the game somewhat early on but was needed later) and just pushed through everything that came up. But alas it didn't seem to cause much in the way of mixing up the story, so as a whole it didn't cause a problem since the path I did seem to take was beatable early on. Whether this is a fault or if it was planned, I wouldn't know. But either way it won over the complaint I was going to initially give.

Considering I don't tend to enjoy these vertical shooter games, I have to admit this is successful in making me play such a game to the end with the involving atmosphere.