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Reviews for "Present Prank"

This is a wonderful little animation you've got here! Everything moves quite fluidly and vivdly, and the designs and rigs look almost exactly like the ones used in the official show. It really does help a lot in making the characters come to life, and helps this excel in the animation department more than a good chunk of the animations on NG.

The main thing I don't like here is the story: not much seems to happen here, in my opinion. Despite this being an animation assignment like you said, perhaps next time you could consider making something a little more "meaty" story-wise, if you catch my drift. It would help a lot with helping this animation stand on something else besides the animation.

Other than that, I've got no complaints. Can't wait to see what else you cook up, MLP or non-MLP!

Flamingo1986 responds:

You hit that one right on the nose (or snout?). This animation was originally designed to be just a puppet experiment. However, towards the latter half of animating it I decided to add a little extra and "spiff" it up with a story. As a result the story suffered while the animation remained top-notch.

I've decided to rectify this with my next pony animation that I'm currently working on. From the ground up it's been treated as a story first, an animation second. It's slated to be released in six parts sometime towards the end of this year.

a little short looks like no one showed up for pinkys b-day is that what it is?

Adorkable and in classic cartoon style

This is really cute! Well done!

Dang, was the animation good in this! I was impressed at how beautiful it was. I didn't think the cartoon was that great though. It didn't give me much of a laugh. I still liked how it had no dialogue. You could show a lot with the emotions there.

Gummy's pretty cute. Was the title a pun? I guess it was just alliteration. I feel bad for Pinkie Pie. I'm a huge brony.