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Reviews for "Anaksha Mini Adventures 2"

VERY good game.
Annoyed, cuase im stuck on on bit :P
Done it this far without hints or anything so... just gunna sleep on it :P

Amazed by the level of depth in this game. Spent 5 hours playing and not once did it become boring. Loved the dialogs and interaction. Great humor and a great story. Overall fantastic game!!

Excellent. An instant classic in my opinion. Simple, yet brilliant. The story was so involving, and had just enough interactivity and suspense to make it interesting. Took me right back to the good old zelda and pokemon games on gameboy colour. Good job! :)

Any chance you can give a few tips on coding a game like this? It's exactly the kind of thing i've been trying to make in flash, and i can get the basic engine working, i just feel like it lacks structure, and my item system is always glitching, and i don't know the best way to go about adding a storyline...

Thanks in advance if you have any tips for me! And keep up the good work! :D

Hm What to say. Good game. Hard to think of specific aspects, the game was played like a trance in one fluid movement, will need to try to see some of those other 850 solutions. Like the graphics, reminds me of pokemon :p Music was good too and of course the whole concept and gameplay was good. Only thing I have to say is, maybe add a run option, sometimes i get annnoyed at the speed despite how small the map is xD

Did NOT expect THE Arif to be in this game. WOW
Btw great game.