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Reviews for "EVo3: Finally Some Action"

Oh no. Evolution on a screen. My believe have been offendadid.

I'm sorry, I found that suggestion not to watch funny. Regardless it's a good flash.

vezanmatics responds:

Thank you, but I feel like I have to put that warning up there because I've had a couple problems with creationists in the past who were legitimately hurt by my movie's message.

Well, that was pretty good, the art is pretty much above average, animation is decent. And what I can really appreciate is the fact that it has a 'Pause' and 'Play' button, especially since it's a fairly lengthy animation. It still has some flaws on it though, as it pauses the tweening, but it still continues on the time-line.
The major flaw was the the alien's voice, which was pretty hard to understand, I would recommend to make him sound less like Darth Vader, as that voice doesn't fit his appearance.
The story wasn't very interesting, which isn't a good thing when the animation is rather long.

vezanmatics responds:

maybe you'll understand if you watch the previous episodes.

This sort of brings up a "chicken and egg" thing, mainly that the only reason the far-in-the-future humans exist is because they interfered with the past, but if they HADN'T interfered with the past, they wouldn't exist in the first place, so in reality, they basically created themselves. So I can sort of see the "paradox" kind of issue some might have and how this can make people's brains hurt. Also, I'd feel sorrier for Bighead Mc. Tentacle-Out-His-Back if not for the fact that he STUPIDLY abducted two people right the hell out of nowhere and just expected them to go along with it. And you think CREATIONISTS are idiots.

By the way, tone the anti-religious stuff down. Actually having a belief system doesn't make you stupid. As a Roman Catholic, I respect the institutions of science the same way I respect women's rights to have abortions and gays the right to marry. I view God more as just "something behind it all" type of force and not just a stereotypical guy on a throne among the clouds and was still able to enjoy this despite you liking to take digs at people such as me. Having said that, there are a few things that could use a bit of improvement, such as the audio quality, it's KINDA hard to hear what they're saying because their voices aren't louder than the background audio. And the man playing the alien should speak up. Other than that, the flash quality is quite smooth and well done, though I would like to say this...

Every animation, cartoon, comic, movie or story is someone's first. Knowing what comes before is HELPFUL, sure, but a story should be able to explain to the audience who the characters are, how they got there and what the plot is about quite quickly. If the audience can't care about the protagonists, we cannot get invested in the story. And we can't care about them if we don't know where they're from or what they do, so some introductory text crawls or narration or what not would be appreciated for next time to explain to those "just tuning in", as it were, as to what's happening. Just some friendly advice.

vezanmatics responds:

There ya go, I fixed every single issue you mentioned in the new cartoon. Now quit yer yappin, humie.

"CREATIONISTS SHOULD NOT WATCH THIS FLASH" why would you say that? I'm a creationist and honestly there is really nothing there to offend "us" aside from your comment that is totally insulting. As if to say "we" have less than half a brain and "we" can't take things with a grain of salt. Its a fictional flash short, why would any one take it that seriously unless your intentionally trying to offend someone, sir Createtard. (EP1)

Now onto the more pressing matter, Your presentation.

Honestly this all audio. Nothing really happens. The entire thing can be just listened and were pretty much clear on exactly whats going on, the end is the only exception aside from that there is nothing really to be seen. I wondered things like why you didn't bother to animate the campfire and why certain things like the background of the ship and are just bland and boring to look at, while the characters just stand still while only there mouths seem to move.
Only person that seem to have any actions while talking was Xleek who seems to be a seriously boring version of Zim and half the time I was wondering when Grrrrr was going to pop out.
The jokes seem to fall flat the same typical slap stick you'd come to expect in a lot of these other flash cartoons, even further characters don't express pain anger or anything else aside from their lines. Then things aren't really animated most of it is a motion pose, that don't really convey anything coupled by the voice acting chalks up to "I'm just reading the lines" which yields into forgettable characters and an even more forgettable flash animation.

Next from your presentation is please fix your framing / set up your shots better and look at your timing
Xleek blends into the back ground when hes getting mad so most of a persons focus is on Brian since hes the one talking and his face doesn't clash with the BG and he seems to be pushing the rest of the cast off screen , so unless your forcing your eyes to try to see Xleek, no dice. Other parts were Brian's hand gets cut out of the shot cause both characters are oddly spaced on the screen, so there was no sense in him moving it since he's wearing black clothes in an already dark area, his gesture is like being cut off and once that scene is over you forget that he even moved his hand at all, or he even moved for that matter. I understand that all gestures aren't all that superduper important but if some one shakes there fist to sell a point thats something that you should frame correctly so that your viewers may be able note, so when they think back on that moment they can remember what he did, and lets not forget the kind of jestures a character makes defines him/her as the viewer sees them. Also some fames that need more time, you just flash some shots right before us and stuff need to sink in or comprehend is lost.

Next your Pallet is Ew.
Reason your main characters barely stand out from the world around them, when I'm not looking at the flash I cant even remember what they look like especially Xleek, his character is like the batman in a dark alley, and then you shoot your cast into an even darker setting. That turns from understandable to yellow lines every were, think about your choices in scenery and character colors before you make them.

LAST Story.
If you want this to be taken seriously you have to put lasting things into it. You can't expect the message your trying to tell to come across properly if every thing is the same tone all the time.
And you really give no incentive to keep watching.
Whats the Problem, IDK
Whats the Goal, IDK
Why are those 2 even on the ship, IDK
Oddly enough here is a survey fact, majority of people in around the globe believe in some form of creation over evolution, or a combo of the two. So why again are THOSE TWO really there?
It all most seems like a very poorly told conspiracy story with shallow characters, and nothing seems to stick and there is no presence of "The universe is bigger than we may think" at any point which is something you should have established already. Please fix.

vezanmatics responds:


Wow, you just really had nothing nice to say about this flash, did you. If not, why didn't you just vote 0?

If you mentioned once that you were angry about the creationist jab, then proceeded to offer constructive criticism (ways i can improve this series, usually starting the sentence with 'you should') i would believe you.

But since you mentioned the creationist jab once, proceeded to say nothing but bad things about it, then mentioned it AGAIN and tried to justify your position with a bullshit statistic, I think you just wrote out this exhaustive (and extremely nit-picky) review because you were butthurt about that little remark.

Not everyone is an excellent director, or a colorist...my job is to grow as an artist and as a person, and to develop my characters and story so that I can earn a respectable name in the flash portal.

Answers to your 'unanswered' questions are on the previous episodes. Watch em.

Next time you review, offer some pros and suggestions, not just cons.

Oh, and for the record, there are more scientists in america named "Steve" who acknowledge evolution as a valid scientific theory than all the scientists in the world who don't. Thing is, our theory is backed by scientific observation and overwhelming evidence...your...HYPOTHESIS...is not science and never will be. It's just a conclusion that you're desperately trying to find evidence for.