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Reviews for "Nameless Madness Collab"

It's good, I've never seen a Madness I didn't like, but this one just didn't really grasp my attention all that well. Everyone did a great job though.

The animation is good, but it's nothing new. It's so gotten so old in fact that this was barely watchable. Don't get me wrong, the animation is good, but there's only so many times I can stand to see a completely unoriginal collab on the front page. Honestly, 1337 agents as nearly the only enemy, one or two original characters because the rest is just Sanford and Deimos or Hank, even the name of the collab was so painfully bland that I just don't see how this could end up on the front page.

You're all good animators on your own but this in my opinion is just not interesting enough and doesn't improve on anything at all.

Deimos face turned in to a troll face? sorry guys but just lost 2 stars and rating

It was ok but I feel as if it could be much better if more effort was given by certain people (I won't give names because this is a group effort and don't want to be viewed as an asshole for "picking" on a person). Do not get me wrong, some of the animations were (while short) very well done; however there were a few that just did not look to good. The animations were lacking in style. Instead of providing a classic madness style or even a unique style, it was just guy shoots this and thats it there were not many special animations such as teleporting, weapon generation (there also was a lack in weapon variety in certain animations), unique sounds and unique effects. Another big issue I have is the lack of frames in some of the animations. I can recall at least 3 that just looked plain and had no awesome feeling when you saw them move. Actually it is comparable to how the south park characters moved in their early seasons. It just looked plain cheesy which is why it works for south park and NOT here. This issue is EASILY noticeable in certain animations, and it either shows a lack of experience (which is ok, practice makes perfect) or more likely a lack of interest to please the viewer. Again I do not feel as if all of the animations were bad but instead feel as if certain animations lacked that "WOW" feeling that others provided and that in turn effects the overall quality of the animation (it also effects the good animations in a way because the less quality videos give the viewer the idea that he's watching a bunch of amateurs even if he or she isn't). I recommend that if you do another collaboration that you work more as a team than just submitting a quick flash to the director and being done. Instead try sharing your videos with your collaborators and getting some feedback on how to make it better. It would also be a good idea to reach out to the community for advice. If your really stumped you could ask some of the more well known animators how to provide a better experience for the viewer and improve your skill as well.
Please do not take what I am saying and just assume I am being an dick, I really want you guys to continue what your doing, you don't see very many decent madness animations any more (from anybody other than krinkles of course), and yours is close to being a decent overall madness animation, it just needs that little bit more to spice things up.
So Overall please take the time to
-Improve overall animation quality (in other words we need to go from NES to SNES if you catch my drift)
-provide better audio and video effects (for example use some unique models and guns)
-Adding more frames to the flash itself to give the characters more detail and a more fluent animation overall.
-Reach out to the community (gain some insight on how to make yourself a better animator in general there are thousands of animators that would love to take time out their day to give you advice I'M 100% SURE)
-Communicate with you fellow collaborators (give feedback on each others work so that any improvements that need to made will be notified to you by your fellow animators (Just remember that they are there to help you like I am)
I hope you take this advice from me and continue to improve as you go along.

Unigodspawn responds:

Is this kind of reviews that really help everybody, i love watch this kind of reviews, helpful as hell, thank you a lot dude! i'm sure this will help us, and help me if I start another collab :) again, thank you a lot for this! is really appreciated...

deimos smokes too much and really? troll face? sorry u just lost 2 and a half stars