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Reviews for "The Jenova Cure"

I love this also ice cream sandwhiches fix everything.

Even if seiphiroth burned down clouds village LIKE A BOSS XD

Come on Cloud bro's before ho's
Have taste of chocolate coated ice cream before you make the tough decision
Bloodline before all!

besides tifa has huge b00bs he forgot about aeris in a few days or so

haha. amazing ff7 parody. reflecting on what happened and ice cream fixes it. XD

love the music at the end :D

Very nice. Thoughtthe background looks a bit scratchy compared to the characters. When Cloud recalls the black materia I think a saw a Pheonix Wright reference in there. :)

Kiigen responds:

Yes you did, Edgeworth to be exact. also yea, the BGs are a bit off from the rest of it. I think you'll like how I make backgrounds in the next short thats coming up.