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Reviews for "SS13_4 - Crystal Finale"

I have been watching these lessons of yours since the first one. The whole time I've wondered what IS the great conclusion you have been referring to throughout the series. And now I know. It is pretty clearly "Buy our nonsense!".
The animation itself is, as I've already said in my previous reviews, somewhat enjoyable to watch. I'll give you that. BUT I am NOT going to let you get away with spreading greed and nonsense -- no, lies -- disguised with good intentions. PLEASE. The "crystal movement" is nothing but a way to promote jewellery and accessories that are simple to make and easy to sell.
In every single video you have submitted, you have reminded us about staying "open minded". Yes. TO YOUR ideas! So you can make your viewers more susceptible to actually buying colorful ROCKS. What you are doing here is called brainwashing.
Because 1) you try to make your viewers believe they have been wrong all their lives about basically everything, (and 2), using that -NOT- to educate, but to replace this void of uncertainty with things that are from limited, non-objective sources that fit in a world view that suits whatever they WANT to believe in, instead of what is actual information (that can be tested and empirically confirmed.) This whole Spirit Science-series is simply outraging for that reason.
The other thing that STILL upsets me:
You do realize that if something is "scientifically proven" it really must meet the demands of scientific research as well? Are your sources independent, or are they all promoting a certain view? When gathering information is motivated by the will to get a certain desired result, it is no longer objective information. Also, if the result is not repeatable (anywhere, anytime,) it is not evidence.
Say, if a murderer claimed to have murdered a dozen people with "negative energy" from whatever dark-orgonite versions he made, do you think any evidence would support it? I dare say the answer is no. There is no way to prove or disprove this crystal-nonsense as there is no way to find any evidence for many things THAT DO NOT EXIST to begin with.
Saying these things as true and SCIENTIFICALLY proven is just lying. I was going to say ignorant, but since you obviously have used the newgrounds community for marketing your products, you deserve to know what the rest of us think.

Still giving you one star for actually achieving this. Next time, please tell us about how invisible pink ponies are beneficial to our health if only we'd listen to a few scientists that lived a long time ago and no one ever heard of but whose theories are somehow relevant today as if science somehow got worse over time and they were certainly not forgotten because they were bullscheisse and couldn't be proven.

RiverJordan responds:

I'm just a guy making videos about love, light, and happiness. Not trying to sell anything, but rather, i'm trying to SHARE something.

Peace and love my friend :) I wish you find what your looking for in life!