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Reviews for "SOPANOID"

Well there is a point... just not mine

Katgal i think i understand what you'r trying to get at, that the government is out to Censor the internet but these bills would grant to much power that could be abused way to much from the people backing it. Not i could understand if you where a young artiest that couldn't get money cause a hacker ripped a site that you ran and posted your work every where. but when in the bill it give companies the power the take legal actions against any web site run in the U.S. block contact from U.S. people from going to sites outside the country, and the worst of all taking legal actions to any individual who might be braking copyright laws such as using anything any one has ever made, and yes even if you give credit to who made it if you don't have there permission your breaking the copyright law. "Now i know little Suzzy can sing like an angle but if we see her singing anything that wasn't before 1976 then were just going to have to fine her $250,000(witch is the max punishment for breaking copyright laws, and a few months in prison.)." and that money will be going to the muti-millionaire who sang it first." and with sites like YouTube would be left up solely for the purpose of making the rich richer and putting more of a strain on the poor. And when the government can Fine, Censor, Bar, or completely shutdown a site for posting anything like i don't know any government document that somehow found its way on the internet. and there is nothing the freedom of information act of 1966 even (tho that doesn't really do anything in the first place cause the government can just change it to suit there needs.) well i have rambled on for far too long and if you read all this thank you, but i guess the whole point I was trying to make in this rant is the government doesn't need anymore power then they have. cause China have this already with limiting information, but rich would get richer and poor, poorer, the government and song artist, movie stars, and companies could sue a 3 year old for being on YouTube, what do you think would happen not only to the internet, but to the U.S. society. please tell me what you think in a response, and not sure if 1966 was the right date for the F.O.I.A. well hope to hear form you soon.

hell yeah

Thats funny. But seriously guys, SOPA is dangerous, not for what it is intended to do, but for the potential abuse that WILL be abused.

http://www.techdirt.com/articles/2011 1122/04254316872/definitive-post-why-
sopa-protect-ip-are-bad-bad-ideas.sht ml


But was i the only one concerned on actually attempting to beat the game?


If we post Pirate Bay links on Senate.gov will they shut down their own website?

Anyway i did not expect it to be totaly censored lol

Love it

Funny. Hopefully we can stop SOPA.