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Reviews for "Don't Catch the Herp!"

Retro Classic in the Making!

Hilarious story line... check, retro pixelated graphics... check, creepy automated robot voice... check!
Everything is in order here, great game!
I definitely hope you decide to make more games like this, I love the variety each different scene has to offer. It's a lot like the old Coleco Vision games, very cool.
Keep up the great work and please make more like this!

Nice quote

The game is stupid and pointless. The front quote is amazing.

"To say she is evil is an understatement
To say she has no soul is an exaggeration"


Where did you get that quote? From who?

By the way, saying its a true story is extremly juvenile

oh mr tough guy hunh?

well i so happen to have saved this get out of jail free card from a monopoly board so jokes on you.

"dumb logic can always be beaten by even dumber logic." ~ Anonymous

Old school Newgrounds action!

I'll take this as a cautionary tale about picking up strangers in bars -- that's probably how she got Herpes in the first place!
Since you seem to know a lot about Herpes, I was wondering: In those Restasis commercials they say 'not recommended for people with herpes viral infections of the eye' ... does that mean what I think it means?

At lev 3... when crossing street...

Un-responsive controls, everytime i try, the guy just sits there... i keep tring over and over... everytime he finially moves... bum... BOOM... eventually after enough attempts... i get to the car... then i have to go back... and it freezes... right when i need it's full attentopn -.-"