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Reviews for "Arrow to the..."


sorry dude, really old material just didnt do anything for me


Is what I feel when I read or hear "arrow to the knee".. this is what you've done to me internet, I hope your satisfied.


No more!

+8 for production values -7 for subject matter. Use your powers for good please.

...um no

the joke wasnt funny animation could use a little more ... to ovious.

out of all the reviews, this one is the helpfulest

look, this was a bunch of shit. im not afraid to say it, in fact i'll say it again; IT WAS SHIT!!!!!
the animation was good but then it seemed really bad because it didnt fit the scenario of this movie.
the story was already done by about 1000 people.

the arrow to the head was fucking stupid, unless it was fired by superman himself, there is no way that it could have penetrated his head armour.

also there was like a dozen of arrows in his knee after that. seriously? i dont know why i bothered to watch this crap or even review it.

also you (and possibly every one else) got the whole "adventurer" thing wrong. being an adventurer doesnt mean going out into the wild and exploring it. thats what geologists do. an adventurer is someone who travels around the world and learns about other cultures.

so i found it fair to give this a 1 out of 10 because the voices were pretty good... BUT THATS IT!!!!

Gave this

A 0 cause I'm tired of that stupid joke. People need to stop saying it... It's older then my fucking mom.