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Reviews for "PokeAwesome"


Ego ego ego... What happend to you? First of all making a pokemon theme is so 90ish yes it still works but .. not really. Some parts was okay but wasnt really that funny.

You should take a step back or something and look at your earlier works like the Metal gear awsome serie. Maybe we/i expect to much from you but this was a half decent flash from your part.

Animation 7/10 - Awesome 3/10 - Audio/Sound - 8/10


i like pokemon but its not so good i though........

these guys are complete weirdos


You're really good at animating. But this flash as a whole is just dull, nothing interesting at all.

You could do much better.

Enough of the "yelling all of time" shtick

Arin, you are one of the most talented S.O.B.'s on Newgorunds, but you really need to give the Awesome Series another break if you can't think of anything beyond "let me yelling into the mic and draw funny faces." It worked for Awesome Reach when you were parodying crazy Halo fans, but Awesome Chaotix and now this cartoon are starting to make you out as a one trick pony, to be honest.

I'll start with the positives; you animation has gotten really good. Like, REALLY good. You beat John K. when it comes to cartoony cartoons in my opinion. Your characters has a good sense of weight and movement when on screen, and gleefully distort their bodies when they're excited. You are also a very funny voice actor and I like how you add you're own personal touch on the character's you're parodying.

BUT you're taking the extremeness of your cartoons to the point to where they get annoying and unpleasant to watch. Like having a character always speak only one, high sound level tone through out a cartoon. Why not add some variety to different parts of the production? Like adding more contrasts in how a character will speak or using different types of direction methods instead of cutting from one character to the next quickly? You can also add a bunch of funny contradictions like a character's pose being very extreme while they talk subtle and the music is about in-between those two levels. VARIETY IS KEY! Always vary up what you're doing to give a few new experiences to the audience. Your Girlchan videos are a good example of this.

Also, another problem I had with this cartoon is the art. I understand that you put a lot of time into your animation (and it shows) but you don't really need to add a bunch of shadows on characters that are this dark in color tone. It makes the shadows pop a bit and it looks very muddy and distracting. I think you should get rid of them because they don't really add anything to your animation drawings.

Shadows are also supposed to describe the forms on the body through light. Since your characters aren't drawn as if they were three-dimensional beings, the shadows here are just random dark spots on their bodies, and again look very ugly. I recommend getting rid of them, or toning your skin colors up so they're not as distracting.

And last, the jokes. The only one I laughed at was when Pikachu was complaining about not being evolved. The rest are trash and executed very poorly, as if screaming suddenly makes them better. The "I mean Venusaur" jokes was painfully unfunny! You should try different ways to execute jokes than a character just screaming his head off.

I'm not trying to hate on you, I'm just being a little harsh because I know you can do better than this! Please consider my critique!