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Reviews for "Orcus"

This is an NGADM Round 1 Review.


Oh sweet Jesus, this is insanely heavy, and in a good way! Probably one of the heaviest of this round, maybe competing with CoredxBitch. I absolutely loved how you once again nailed your signature aggressive guitar tone, and how, as always, the mix and master is all but faultless. I mean, it sounds like you heavily brickwalled it with a limiter or compressor, but it works for this kind of music, giving the track a noticeably heavier edge. The drums especially have this extremely meaty flavour to them, namely that really fat and heavy snare. Yet, despite the power of these drums, they never push the guitars aside, which remain the driving force of this track through to the end. The blend between the lead guitar and rhythmic chugs was great, so props to you for keeping a good eye on their respective levelling.

Now for composition... there's some nice stuff! You have this resonant pad in the background that gives the track an intriguing dreamy tinge. Rhythmically, the track is diverse, with enjoyable rhythms presented by both the rhythmic guitar and the drums. 1:46's guitar solo is well-made, and of course, needless to say, your guitar playing is just phenomenal. I heard you suffered an injury in one of your arms somewhat recently so to hear you shredding the guitar like you used to is great! My main issue with this track is one I was worried would happen - this isn't really as structured as I would've hoped it to be. It feels like it's made with the intent of having more memorable things playing on top of it. It doesn't have to be melodies by the lead guitar, per se. Vocals or some other kind of instrument would work fine. I just feel like this is just riff after riff without the structure that I was hoping to hear, and I feel like the lack of foreground elements is the culprit behind the lack of structure.

That's my honest opinion on it, anyway! You're still one of the best metal artists on Newgrounds in my books. Keep up the amazing work.

SCORE: 8.6/10

This is a NGADM Round 1 Review!
OH SWEET JESUS THIS IS INSANELY HEAVY. (thanks for that Step) Need. MOAR. Need... Epic vocals too. Casey Sabol, plzthx. Honestly, this would be at home on a Periphery album.
Mixing: 9/10
I think you have the best, most precise, heaviest guitar tone in this genre (Djent) on Newgrounds. Seriously, it's super pro and super good. I think you still need to work on how you mix the lead sound into the rest, it sounds very out of place, suddenly there in the middle, quite muddy and not really complimenting the rest of the track on a sonic level. This may be because of the amount of reverb/delay used, perhaps you should consider using a different one... Having said that, outstanding playing/technique throughout and a rich, beefy drum sound make this track just that much more awesome.

Composition: 8/10
Well... You melted my brain, pummelled it into nothingness and then some. I love it. Despite that, I still feel there was something missing here, maybe that eureka moment where I lose myself in the ebb and flow of the track as it transitions from one section to the next. In comparison (hey it's your own fault I'm comparing you to these songs, yours is just that good, I want to push you to be even better), I'd say Icarus Lives DOES have that thing I'm looking for. Maybe it's the vocals, sure, but it's also how the bass has a chance to come in about 1:30 into the track and provide a bit of relief, creating a lot more depth to the song, among other things. Perhaps also the variety in that track.
And hey. Perhaps I'm just talking out of my arse.

Either way, excellent track mate. Keep it up!