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Reviews for "Thoreau"

Go away?

Straight at the start when there is the arrow trap I crouched but couldn't get up so I kept sliding until I hit that room that says "GO AWAY"

The game has a very nice ambient, eerie feel accomplished, one thing to complain is the speed, especially that of respawning, it's not fun while you wait seven centuries for the dude to get up, and it all feels like it was in slow motion, but that's probably part of the whole feel you were going for, but the slowness of it all is really the only irritating part.

Its a good game and i hope there is a squel

The movement is a bit sluggish and the hit detection on some of the traps is off such as the rock hitting me even though i am still over half way down the tunnel.

Good concept

just one thing...spike pits....you can't avoid them using the space bar which is a bit meh. You have to memorise where the pit is in order to jump over it!

Still a great idea! One more thing once you die...he takes slightly too long to get back to his feet :P


A lot of fun, but has serious pacing problems. It doesn't feel slow and measured and creepy; it feels like lag without the frameskip. However, all was forgiven for some fun gameplay and interesting storyline, and amazing sound design. Gameplay gets REALLY fun on the second play through when you start getting fast enough to vapourize arrows mid-flight, but I found that on the third elevator (the one after the fire trap, with the arrow that attacks before the elevator moves), on my second play, this elevator was broken and wouldn't move. Needs patching.

Otherwise, a fun game.
Keep it up :)