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Reviews for "Random Heroes"

Entertaining to start with.

Again, like reviews before, the same points. Very easy to get the best weapon and armour. Too much money perhaps? Or simply increase the purchase price. Gets repetitive after the 2nd level. I bought all the weapons simply to have something to spend it on after getting everything else.

Nice start, could use some work

Just some general observations:

-Echoing other reviewers, I think the difficulty imbalance should be addressed. Most of the later enemies are, in essence, just new images with the AI of old enemies, with more HP (back-and-forth runner with more HP. Thing flying at you with more HP).
-The ending left a bit to be desired, especially as the intro had this cutscene going on.
-The levels got repetitive after a while.
-More upgrade options would address the "too easy" or "I bought the best gone on level 4" concerns.
-I personally liked the book option and the types of upgrades you had - the extra health restore is creative. I would recommend more.
-What was the point of the hero system? They didn't do anything different, it was just basically a skin. Having a custom skill or upgrade path would be cool. I actually expected this inadvertently when I picked the gentleman and saw "economics book" as an upgrade. I thought for a moment that he had a "money gaining" skill tree or similar.

Generally speaking, this genre has been completely overdone. I think the bar is already set pretty high and you'll have to bring more creative dimensions or reinvent the wheel to make a truly memorable platformer flash on NG. However I think you have talent and potential, I like the art and the clean feel of the game.

Easy Like Sunday Morning

The artwork in this game is immaculate, just amazing. I spent a lot of time just looking at the backgrounds of this game and seeing all the details put into it, I honestly can't really nitpick or find a flaw there. The animation though kind of suffers the same way as Infestor did; whenever my character gets hit he only flashes, he doesn't make any motion that he got hit and doesn't even make a grunting sound, the enemies hitting him don't even make sounds when they do hit my character, the boss battles are neat though and each boss moves accordingly well and the rest of the game does have clean movement, but it just seems like there could be more. The sound effects were a bit lackluster, with some guns having great sound like the Shotgun, and others like the Flamethrower not even having a sound, or its very quiet. The gameplay is certainly fun, many different places to explore and guns to play with, but with so much here the game wasn't really designed with much challenge seeing as how some enemies get a new skin are thrown into the next level to compliment its backdrop, the level design is awesome, but without much challenge in it there's really nothing to it. The controls are spot on, they seem just a tad stiff to me though after coming off your past game Infestor. Overall this is a very fun game and one that I would love to see expanded on more in the future, just up the difficulty some.

|| Good Points ||
*Masterful Artwork
*Great Animation
*Good Sound
*Great Music
*Great Story
*Great Gameplay
*Superb Controls

|| Bad Points ||
*Gameplay - Bit Too Easy
*Sound - Needs More Variety

Far too easy.

While I suppose this may not apply to all, I found this game to be of such small difficulty that I beat it within half an hour. I had most of the upgrades by the middle of chapter two, and with the Pulse Laser, I was able to breeze through every level with absolutely no major problems, and I only died of my own volition throughout because I missed a certain part of the level.

The upgrades are far too easy to obtain. By the end of the game, I had over four thousand dollars leftover after buying them all. For that matter, I'm almost certain that I could complete this game without buying a single upgrade or new weapon and only face a small increase in difficulty, meaning the upgrades make an already easy game a tedious task.

The graphics were standard, I saw little different from standard Flixel graphics, though the designs of some of the monsters were rather nice. There really isn't much else to say about them, honestly.

All in all, this is a standard game, which can be enjoyed for a brief period to kill some time or boredom. It is not of amazing quality, but I wouldn't call it bad. It is decent, nothing more.

fun and addicting

it has good graphics,lots of cool levels,and stuff i can buy in teh shop ^_^ yay