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Reviews for "VG Cats Animated 5"

I love what you've done here

I love the VG cats webcomic, it's always amazing. I love that you're animating them, it translates really well and you do an excellent job of it. The voices at the very end, in the lockers, are a bit muffled and kinda hard to make out, but eh, it's not that big a deal.

MikeandTreyVideo responds:

Yeah, I found later that this was an odd place to stop putting in subtitles.

HA nice

ever thought of doing #78 Cletus brand Chocobos? just a thought or JENOVA WITNESS lol

MikeandTreyVideo responds:

That was one of the first ones I wanted to do, but I lacked voice actors as good as Edwyn and Autumn. If I can get Omahdon to poke Autumn (Aeris) for me, it may very well be done. Autumn seems to be caught up with either college or work as she seems to have fallen off the voice actors map.

Good improvement

Lol the voice acting for Snake is amazing!
The animations for this series are getting a lot better, looking forward to the next episode!

Well done even though it is a little different.

To the creators of this animation,kudos to you all.You certainly did a fine job in creating a modified version of the well-loved VG Cats series like enabling the characters to move and taking out the speech bubbles.These changes enhance the story,so please do make more and as this flash is an extract from Episode 6 from the series,is it possible to remake the whole episode if it is not too much trouble.By the way,there is a scene missing after the character,Duke,replies with "It'll be done when it's done",his line continues with "which would be never cause (because) 3D realms just went down under,RIP."These two lines appear together with the 'Duke Nukem forever' theme with 'ever' being crossed out and replaced with 'never' and a 'lulz' at the bottom and this scene will change to a webpage stating that 'Duke Nukem Developer 3D Realms closes doors"and a Duke Nukem tombstone at the next scene.All of this is true reference from the episode if anyone wants to know.Yup,so overall good job and keep it up.

MikeandTreyVideo responds:

Yeah, the duke nukem thingy was cut out since Duke Nukem forever has since been released, so the joke wouldn't have been relevant to the times and probably would've confused the less-than-smart kids that peruse this site.


Is it bad that I jumped too?

ME GUSTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!