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Reviews for "Gyossait"


Magnificent game! Would be a great pleasure to work on a project with you! Added to favs!


this was a great game and the story going back to you makes it even better. I hope doing this helped you.

best game ever

i always love this disturbing and "nonsense" flashes
10/10 5/5 and faved
BTW thanks Amon26 for explaining the plot in the last review's response

srsly, this is incredible, kinda sad too

ok i'll bite. what the hell was this game about?

i liked the game but i have absolutely no idea what its about

Amon26 responds:

So, I listened to a lot of Tom Waits (Namely The Black Rider) and had a very depressing summer wracked with disfiguring nightmares every night. I was learning how to get past some old ghosts (figuratively) and took my best shot at capturing the whole emotional experience into a game.

The plot is about Oyeatia, the god of man coming to redeem Gyossait. A goddess that made the earth. Eons ago, he made man as a gift to her however, their destructive behavior led her to cause a cataclysm that killed millions. In fury, he dashed her to pieces, burying her essence into the planet's core, out of his immortal reach.

The game begins with his self sacrifice, dying as a god, descending to the earth, reborn as a strange and endless mortal, seeking to find her at the cost of all his creation, morality and soul.

That's about it.

Neither fun or frightening

First of all, the controls, they were bad, there's roughly half of a second of delay after you do a jump/land, I am assuming this was your attempt at momentum, but all it achieves is frustration in an aspect that largely dominates the game play, platforming. The music was like rape to the ears, it looped badly too, I could almost always tell when the loop started and ended, the sound effects were fine considering it was supposed to be retro. The game didn't do much in terms of horror, I was mostly confused, wondering what was going on. The puzzles and mechanics were easy and uninspired, most of the "challenge" came from fighting with the clumsy feeling controls. The controls were counter intuitive, you have to stop to defend yourself, yet some enemies can attack you while they move and the shield becomes mostly useless quickly. It just wasn't fun, it didn't draw me in, and the level design had no rhyme or reason at times, random shadows, the floors sometimes looked like the walls, random invisible walls that stopped my bullets, some switches being unusable in what I am going to call, rage form, for NO apparent reason. Plus you have a button that resets the level, is it to compensate for bugs I was lucky enough not to encounter?

The game doesn't achieve any fun factor or horror, it was just annoying and hard to control. Also what was the point in the NPC's? I felt like they either were there for no reason or to just pointlessly be killed. Then there was giant floating head guy with a stupid smile. Oh hey I found him, boss fight? Waaaaaaait, what? He died from touching 3 switches? What?
