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Reviews for "SAS: Zombie Assault 3"


I really enjoyed this, kinda short on singleplayer, but the multi is okay.
It's good to have teammates. XD

I love this game

That's like the Zombie mode of Black Ops, it's so fun.

Well Done

Was a very fun multiplayer game. The single player wasn't even worth playing since multiplayer was the same thing with other people. I only found a few problems with the game, one being the difficulty. The game was much to easy, I'm level 8 and I've used no guns but the starting pistol. Once you play through a map once, the zombie spawns are so easy to camp that it becomes laughable. Even when the game lagged out and 10+ zombies spawned at each point at once, the maps were big enough the kite the zombies around. All in all it was a fun game and I'm still playing it, but I'm hoping for the difficulty to go up at some point : /

GReat Game, BUT!

This is a great game but i could do with some changes. Like with money drops, orweapon options, even probably what needs to best be fixed in the online play. Say your finished a map with a group of teammates you really liked playing with and you wanna do it again but your system is random. But this game is great a few changes and boom top zombie game for pc free and least if you ask me.
Thanks :)

Pretty good

There's only a couple of things I would change.

1. Chat box for multiplayer!!! It's so stressful to watch people do dumb stuff and not be able to tell them to help them and keep the team from getting killed.

2. Please, Please! PLEASE! NERF THE SPAWNERS! It's one thing to have a mode where it's an endless storm of zombies and you are going to die no matter what, let's just see how long you can last. It's another when you say, 'Hey! Go kill those things to win!' and if you don't kill them in the first minute or two (which is nearly impossible because of how much health they have) and then to top it off, if you don't kill them soon enough they start spawning so fast you can't do anything about them because you're busy running from zombies.

Now, you either need to nerf them, or only send one at us at a time. We can deal with one, problems come in at two, and out of the nearly two dozen spawner games I've played, I've not won a single one that didn't have the help of someone who bought the 'Premium' weapons.

Other then those two things the game is awesome. Keep up the good work.