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Reviews for "Binding of Isaac DEMO"

Doesn't compel me to buy it

I feel for you guys in that Super Meatboy is a really, really hard act to follow and I'm not saying this is a bad game it just feels... meh. That's the best way to put it. It's just not exciting and you're main (and what looks like only) weapon is underpowered. I realize the shooting was based on Robotron/Smash TV but why can't I aim diagonally? The fire rate is too slow, the damage is minimal on even basic enemies with an upgrade and even that doesn't help too much. The spread of your fire is too spread out and you sometimes miss enemies an inch away. Plus the lack of variety in weapons, powerups not being well explained until you use them and once you use them it's rare to find another one like it.

The art and humor was right on the money, just as good as Meatboy. But the big problem is the lack of variety and the shooting being so underpowered. For all I know the variety issue is resolved in the full game but for what is supposed to be a teaser/shareware it doesn't inspire me to keep playing like good Shareware is supposed to. I mean, come on, even the flies take 3-4 hits to kill, that many hits to kill one annoying low-level enemy?

Great game :D

The moral of ol this - Don`t go 2 scientology church! :D
Btw, when the full game will released?

Pretty good!

I was extremely impressed, I liked the storyline and I like the input of god..this reminds me of an actual case I learned in Law 12 a man was going insane and he apparently thought another person was the devil. He followed "Gods" words by listening to his voices and killing a helpless individual. Everyone acts like this is meant to be personal and offensive. WHICH IT ISN'T its merely a take on religion and how it can go horribly wrong. I understand some of you feel offended and I do respect your beliefs but this isn't meant specifically about god. Its about how alot of people take god and the messages most religions carry the wrong way and how we need to decide for ourselves of our beliefs. We're mature people don't base your votting on that on aspect. Okay besides that I was impressed with the gameplay. I really did feel like I was trapped in some terrible underworld. For me it was abit difficult to play, no I didn't finish it but it was largely entertaining original smooth and unique. The voice was perfect, the intro was perfect the only thing that really bugged me is that you had to restart from the beginning. Good job anyhow.


This game has great values to it. Not only is a fun and challenging game. its also a sad tale this is to open the eyes of those blined by belife. Also at the end A PONY. you got me at that point.


most ladies have the decency to leave their aborted fetuses in the dumpster. Isaac's mother seems to have just thrown them all in the basement and let them form their own Lord-of-the-flies society. Anyway great game, I'll probably buy it.

Also HOLY SHIT, voiced by MATTHIAS BOSSI? As in the Matthias Bossi from Sleepytime Gorilla Museum and Book of Knots and all that other cool shit? Woah, you shoulda got him to do the music too. (Mind you, dannyBstyle's score is still pretty damn rad. Matthias is just a fucking music God in my books.)