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Reviews for "asdfmovie4"

Good voices, good animating, poor humor.

I'm not amused with this incarnation of Asdfmovie. While it had a lot going for it, by the end I was pretty disappointed. Definitely not my cup of tea.

Animation: Keeping it simple, I see. I usually prefer more color but it got the job done. Nice and smooth.

Sound: Good voice acting! I found the voices to be mostly fitting. Sound effects were good too.

Humor: The flash got started off well. I found the minefield gag pretty funny, but most of the others just felt forced. After a few gunshots to the faces of random people, it got old and stale. There is very little replay value unless slapstick and all of that stuff appeals to you. All of this went downhill fast. I found the cheese joke to be especially forced.

Overall, the animating was good but it was kind of hard to watch. I feel that the whole "Random" humor is just not very funny. There were some good jokes, yes, but they were overshadowed by bad jokes. Some things just were downright unfunny, and that really took away from the good parts.

4 out of 10, and 2 out of 5. I hope you improve on this flash in the future. The potential is there.

You get a 3 and here is why.

This is the fourth one, you are clearly running out of material. I've seen the rest, the first two are great and it's like Final Destination, change up the flow, this is getting repetitive. It's not that your jokes are funny or random, it's just not interesting to watch or listen to. The only thing I enjoy was banana fight NO! It was short and simple, but the rest come on, you can better than this I'm sure. Take this review as advice or claim it to be useless or hell even delete my comment if you're that sensitive but honestly... this video, wasn't that good. Here I'll give you a four for effort.

1. For the one part I actually liked
2. For the solid animation
3. For dubstep music
4. Effort


A bunch of skits that either don't make sense (aka random) or aren't funny? I'm sorry, but this did nothing for me, except make me wonder what goes through the heads of people who rate this up.. oh wait, nothing, that's what. There were a couple of ok skits, but i didn't laugh, stuff like this is pretty much made for 10 year olds.

You made me sign in to write this review.

Let me start off by saying that the video itself wasnt very well animated, there is no color, and the humor is extremely childish. Why this got front page is beyond me, and please dont try to justify having no color with a "style" because not only does it look bland, its just lazy. No hard feelings though, its better than anything I could animate. One plus side is the audio, its nice and sharp and I can tell you all have pretty high quality headsets (or whatever you use.) Overall, its a pretty average video, but is getting way more praise than its worth.

Wonchop responds:

Trust me when I say this, giving this colour does not make it look better in the slightest.

Why did people like this lol so random crap anyway?