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Reviews for "K.O.L.M. 2"


Great game, Needs to be more though, im missing 4 letters but i can probably guess what it says. But i like the new stuff like the bomb, split, switch and others Im guessing the next one if there is going to be a new one it will start out with the siser either robotic or trying to escape then finding Robby.

A nice continuation with a few issues

Okay, so it's not as good as the original. And it's shorter. And There were some consistency issues; for instance, if you're going to give Robby all his power-ups from the old game, you should've given him the invulnerability power from the very end of the first game (or at least invulnerability to the minions). And the ending was... lacking. Why not, instead of the grim, cliffy-type ending you wrote for this one, why not have them escape to the surface, like Robby did in the first game? At the end where the parents are waiting, there could be some power-up there that allows for Robby to be in sunlight for as long as he likes? Then they could escape their parents and run to the surface. If there's a KOLM III, then it doesn't matter as much, but if not, then that's kind of a really bad way to end the story.

All of this being said, it is a nice and believable continuation to the KOLM story. I like the sister (although she needs a name) and I love when she and Robby work together. You can really tell that they have a strong bond, through their voice acting, and your writing, which is as good as ever.

So, overall, it's... mixed. I'm giving it a 9 because not only is it the same style as the original (which is always a plus for me), it's similar enough to the original to be a believable sequel, with nicely complex characters (except seriously, give the sister a name.) and the mystery, intrigue, and dark, ominous feel of the first game are just as present as before. I really hope you do a third game, where this story is continued. Keep up the good work.

Seriously though, please give the sister a name?

aw man, it's over already?

an excellent development of the first part. The third part will obviously be amazing. can we have another one minute challenge pack in the meantime??

Really fun, but is it a bug?

Great game! I had fun playing it, not too long, and not too short - a big thing many game devs get wrong on here. I really don't want to waste hours on NG, it's for quick fix games.

The positives:

*The level design (chamber/room/play area - whatever) was really good.
*The storytelling was good, a little lacking in substance, but you can expect more from a game as short as this.
*Like always the visuals of the game is impeccable. It really amazes me what some people can achieve with Flash.
*The sound/music was impeccable - well done!

And now for two issues I had with the game - and here is where I say


The mechanics of controlling two characters makes the game more challenging, and forces you think differently about levels, and how you should go about working together with yourself - I like that a lot.

It seems flawed to me though:

When you go into another chamber with only one character, the other automatically appears next to you in the other chamber, regardless of where it was in the previous chamber. This makes it possible to complete a chamber doable by only one character (only water or only light), and have the other character join you on the other side. It feels like I'm abusing some glitch or bug in the game whenever I'm doing it, and it seems like the author intended the levels to be done like that?

The other problem is the 2nd or 3rd last room, where you have to make the girl stand on a far ledge in the sunlight to cast a sliver of shadow only big enough to prevent Rob from frying in the sun. Once again it feels like I'm abusing the game - "hacking" a chamber - almost like it's bad level design.


Aside from those two things, I congratulate you on a fantastic game. I do not know what you do for a living, but I hope it's somewhere along the lines of this, otherwise it would be a waste of some serious talent.


It was a bit short, but still, this was an awesome game! Please oh please continue this, It's almost like the later platforming part with the boy robot and the girl was a teaser for better things to come. I hope I'm right!