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Reviews for "Brony Stages"

Awesome Animation. sadly, this was not my method of conversion. For myself, it was first curiosity from the internet memes and so forth, then yes, I watched the show.... wait a second. It IS exactly how you describe it! You brony are a genius. Sadly, I am still at stage 4... I need to find myself some more bronies to talk to.

This is exactly how i am at the moment, only, instead of TV sense I don't kno were to find it, i've been on the interwebz watching various cartoons. I believe i'm in the caution stage though because i'm careful about who I talk to about this, but I have 1 friend when i slipped an inside joke about it to my group of friends and he got it.

I thought this was going to be a horribly made hater video but it was actually pretty good.

True too, it was a bit different for me because I don't watch Treehouse any more (Only channel MLP comes on in Canada) but it was quite similar.

Sparta Remixes = Curiosity
Curiosity leads to fanart
Fanart leads to actually watching the show
Watching MLP leads to some caution (Though I was never confused about it, fuck other people's opinions)
Cautiously watching (locking myself in my room and using headphones) leads to acceptance
Acceptance = Openness

So it was a bit more complicated for me but the same idea

Bro hoove! /)

Flakyisthebest - I believe the correct term is pegasister

Awesome animation, although I kinda skipped around a bit when I became one.