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Reviews for "Villainous - Tower Attack"

Enjoyable and Long lasting fun

This is an interesting an enjoyable spin on the rather ancient art of TD games.

I've never seen such a concept as controlling the waves of creatures rather than the towers, and I've got to say that it provides hours of enjoyment. I've not even seen past the 8th lvl, as I've been working towards powering up and gaining medals, yet I'm having fun with every moment. The difficulty curve is what you make of it, depending on how long you grind. But I can't really call this games grinding stage even that, due to the gold medals you're constantly working towards. And even though some of your power-ups seem weak (1% increases and such), they still provide a noticeable boost over time.

My only true qualm with this game is the inability to field upgrade. It's a common practice in TD games, and I can see why you'd scare away from it due to design changes and innovation. But at the same time I'd be an intriguing twist on mana usage. More of a suggestion than an actual problem, really.

Overall I enjoyed the project, and look forward to future iterations and innovations in the Villainous TD series.

Very Fun

First off I have to say that I loved the game the leveling up system was great and use of spells was even greater. The one thing is that the shield golem, cleanse worlock, and the elemental were all fairly useless. With a mix of gobos, turtles, and healing priests I had no problem in finishing this game in two sittings.
First off the shield golems ... there was no use for them in the limited amount of space. I could sacrifice a gobo and have the chance of getting a losing run or i could get rid of a turtle which draws the fire or a priest which heals my units. Not very applicable.
2. Cleanse worlocks they just suck when I could use a single stun spell each round and make the unit useless.
3. Elementals hmm what can I say not a bad unit ... but they are not deal breakers for any level when I only had 11 followers I would tack one on to the end but when you have all followers available then they are just taking up space from my minion pattern.
T= Turtle G= Goblin P= Priest
All in all my pattern was T G G P G G T G G P G G
Anyway I hope this is helpful to someone thanks for your time.

oh well

Nice game, I like it. 6 unique classes, 3 not overpowered spells, many cities to conquer.
I maxed out goblins and spells first, then number of max summoned creatures. And it was it. Every map was so easy, with just spaming 12 goblins, stunning some towers (bogs/holy mostly) and carefully planning healing/quake. With goblins having 1200 hp (400+800), 500 mp at the start and later on maxed spell mastery game is really easy. No need for other units.


this is a great way to spend a week. love the lvling system and can't get enough of the rapid playability and smoothness of in game pauses.


Exactly what these mini games are supposed to be, and that's exactly what this is.