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Reviews for "Zombotron"

So close to being a great game

I really enjoyed the game, but a few things were holding it back from being a great game.

The first thing that hurt game-play was the fact that I always seemed to run out of ammo. Call me trigger happy if you will, but there were at least 7 times in the 20 minutes that I played this where I ran out of bullets and killed myself to respawn near a crate. The basic pistol should have unlimited bullets, because nothing is worse than trying to jump on a zombies head to kill them, they just don't like it.

The next thing I had problems with was the fact that if the zombies were at close range it was difficult to shoot them. They would be so close that the gun couldn't even hit them. I found myself dying because there was a zombie on each side of me attacking and I couldn't shoot them or jump away. One time it was just a circle of death as I kept spawning between a group of 4 zombies. I had to of died 9 times in a row. the last 4 being because I didn't have any ammo.

While I'm on the subject of weapons, I really disliked the fact that you could only carry 2 of them with you. It was annoying mainly considering that I would always run out of ammo and wish I had kept the pistol because it used less than the rest of the weapons. The newest weapon would always take one spot, and it was hard to part with the shotgun, so I always was cursing the fact that I could only bring 2 weapons with me.

There's a glitch on level 7 after you use the train to run people over. Once you go all the way to the top, go past the inventory, climb up, walk across where the inv drops stuff off, jump the ledge and go to the lift. If you hit the button to bring the lift down it works fine. But if you get on the lift hit the up button, then hit the down button after reaching the top, then again hit the up button the lift, but step off as it goes up, the button at the bottom will not bring the lift down so you can get on it. Confusing I know, but it has happened to me twice now and respawning doesn't help, you have to restart the level from the beginning.

The last little thing that hurt game-play in my opinion was the fact that you had to hit 'e' when you wanted to open a chest. I enjoyed the magnetic coins and ammo, so it would have be nice for them to open when I walked by them and went into my inventory. Also, having to shoot the money bags open was just a painful task to do, especially considering limited ammo. I remember having to use a grenade to open a money bag in hopes that there would be more ammo inside only to get 3 coins. It would be nice for it to enter your inventory after walking by it.

Again, I hate to point all these things out because it is a really good game, but with a few tweeks this could easily be a 10/10. Good work!

AntKarlov responds:

Thank you very much for such a detailed review. I will take into account in next part :)

liked it but...

i had to restart the level all the way back if i accidently broke an elevator and that sucks

Would be 10/10 but...

U need to fix the jumping bc he dosen't seem to jump high enough to get certain ledges and he also gets stuck on those so called ledges. But awesome game, hope u improve and make a 2nd one

It was enjoyable but I didn't like how enemies could hit you without touching you and explosions could hurt you through walls. Still a fun game though.

Now this is a really fun game...great graphics and plenty of action. Good control of your character also and I like that. Easy to follow too. Lots of fun!