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Reviews for "Save Pirate Bunny"


It was a pretty funny random game. It was a bit to short, got boring after awhile, and the graphics weren't that good. Tho it did seem good enough to play for the medals. This game isn't anything new or exciting but, if you really want to make a second one making it harder it was pretty easy. 6/10 3/5 no favorite

Zonferno responds:

If you're after a harder challenge, try getting the five rum bottles! I appreciate your review =D

Uhhh, Stuck?

This was fun...until I got stuck at the levers. I don't understand what dictates what stalactites the levers move. >.<

Zonferno responds:

Try looking on the wall behind the levers if you're stuck. If that still doesn't help, PM me.

Game over. Insert 1 rum to continue.

It's very hard to do what you've done, and that's make something based solely on clicking enjoyable. Though, I wouldn't call this a point and click "Adventure" game, because it's not. This is clearly an action-based experience; it shows with every scenario, every beat of the exciting music, and a scenario just ridiculous enough to be fun.

That's the good news. The bad news is, while I can't call it an "adventure" game, I can't call it an adventure "game", either. For most of SPB, you managed to avoid the "click everything until something happens" problem that most titles suffer from because it was fairly obvious, and easy to figure out. Then we hit the island, and everything started to go downhill. This is the point where my mouse started hating me as I frantically clicked everything at two presses a second in order to find out what I needed to do next.

Your biggest screwup had yet to happen, though. We got all the way to the raft before I lost faith in you as a human being, and you know why. The final boss was the same way, too, and that only rubbed salt in the wound. I will say this once: imagine you're walking down the street and all of a sudden, some guy you don't even know pulls a gun at you and yells "DODGE!" at the top of his lungs. For the sake of this example, though, let's pretend he shoots, and misses you on purpose, followed by his quick retreat. Do you feel how scared and angry you are? Because that's how fun quick-time events are. The only reason nobody else here feels as strongly about this as I do is because you allow infinite room for error. In the worst-case scenario, the player just gets set back a couple seconds. I know better, though. QTEs are a gaming cliche that needs to die, right alongside water levels and random encounters (one of which you ALSO put in there, I might add.) A better idea for the boss would have been having to actively drag the shield around the captain to block different attacks. I'd still have to react, but it would feel much more like I was actually controlling the character as opposed to just hitting a button and watching the game play itself.

The point I'm trying to get to is, you can't make something that's both a movie AND a game. There are reasons the two don't mix; one of them is called "Linger in Shadow". You need to either create a passive experience, OR something the player can be fully engaged in, otherwise, the experience feels watered down either way. A perfect example is when we entered the temple and started solving puzzles. This is where you got the closest to engaging your audience, but ironically, those sections just felt out of place and intrusive, because the rest of SPB didn't require nearly as much effort. They slowed the whole thing down, and to be brutally honest, speed was really the only thing you had going for you up to that point. Everything was moving along at a comfortable, brisk pace until I had to stop everything so I could use fricking Google to look up what prime numbers were.

Einstein once said, "I don't have a formula for success, but I do have a formula for failure: try to make everybody happy." With flash, as in life, choosing a focus is the way to go. Want to make a game? Make it more engaging next time. Want to make a movie? Take out all the interactivity period. Don't half-ass both and put them together hoping they'll make one perfect whole. You submitted this as a game, though, so I have to judge it like one. And well, I think you get the message from the score I gave.

Zonferno responds:

Well, thanks for the review! You give some great advice, as well as making me realise just how much one individual can loathe quick-time events. In those instances, I was trying to create a challenge that was exciting but for which there was no long-term penalty for failing. This was so less-skilled players could still (eventually) get past that point in the game, while more skilled players could test their reflexes and progress quicker.

I guess that's where Einstein's quote about 'trying to make everyone happy leading to failure' comes in. But he also said "anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new," and I definitely created something unique here. Whether that was a watered-down, movie-game hybrid blunder or just something a bit different is up to the player, but as long as it's at least a little bit enjoyable, it's all good to me.

Too hard

I thought this was pretty good because of the design. The only real problem I had with it was that I could not understand it at all. The instructions told me to simply go and click the bunny, but nothing seems to happen. The most that happens is that there's this one barrel that I click and it opens and then I click on a sword that comes out. That is seriously as far as I have gotten. I still have to give you credit for having a cool theme with the pirates and bunnies.

This reminds me of that episode of "South Park" with all the guinea monsters. I never realized how much bunnies look like guinea pigs. Please try to give instructions that are more clear so it's easier to progress. It seemed more like a point and click adventure than a puzzle game. Not that I would know as I didn't get far.

Zonferno responds:

Sorry to hear about the difficulty you are having. What the instructions are meant to mean is that you use the mouse to interact with different objects IN ORDER TO save Pirate Bunny.

Try and see if you can get any further. If not, and you want some help, send me a PM.

Thanks for your review!

what skill?

not saying its a bad game, but its not a great game in my opinion. what skill do you need to play this game, NONE. its basicly just click to procede, use little logic, and click everywere if your stuck. granted it must have take a while to make, but all the efort for this?

is it me or is the game quality of newgrounds going down, or am i just looking in the wrong place for decent games?

Zonferno responds:

Why does a game have to enforce the player to be skilled? The aim for me was to make an enjoyable game that a large audience can play - you may find it easy, but other people have a little more trouble. If you're stuck, you can't always just "click everywhere" to move on. You'll find many parts of the game require some timing and a little patience. The number lock and lever-spike challenge are evidence of this.

This game is quality. It's not the best game in the world, I know, but it's certainly quality. Is it just me, or is there a lack of decent opinions on Newgrounds these days?