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Reviews for "SMRPG Waltz of the Forest"

You've done the impossible.

You taken my favorite flash video, about one of my favorite games, with one of the best songs, and made it all better than I could possibly imagine. Thank you for making this beautiful masterpiece for all to see and enjoy.

Outstanding animation!

Just.. wow. That must be one of the best (if not the best) animations I've seen. You've put such an amazing style on everything, I love the way Mario was drawn. And the music was awesome too, just like the first one!

Spectacular; sheer brilliance.

Wow, I think this may be the 2nd thing I've ever reviewed of yours, and I've been a giant fan of yours since way back in 2005. XD You have a distinctive style, and I gotta say, I can't believe how much you've improved. What a great piece to show your progress. I honestly have to rush this to get everything I want to say down, down!

First off, I absolutely love the style. You added such a mood that I feel the hopelessness, and the music compliments it perfectly.

The beginning was amazing. Mario, getting closer to Peach, with the soft mood, then realizing he's lost, Peach disappearing, having to find his way, trees covering the light he was just gazing upon. What's that have to do with anything? The mood. The entire video felt, looked, and sounded amazing. It's so good, it didn't even feel like you were making references, it looked like it WAS the video.

But as I seem to have been doing lately, let's start with things you could touch up. (As from what I see, is you pushing your limits and showing what you learned):

- Inconsistant style: I don't mean this like the epic outline and themes. I mean that your backgrounds would change completely, or the characters don't feel like they belong where they are because the styles are so different, like the beginning. The trees and Mushrooms looked odd when you see Mario. It wasn't as persistent problem as it went on, but it stuck out to me.
- Song cuts: You didn't use the entire song. It irked me a bit after seeing this, and looking at the full song that half of it wasn't there. While I do see that it might've ruined the Animation as it was (It's hard finding things you can improve on this piece) flawlessly choreographed and flowed beautifully, I thought that the ACTUAL start of the song would've been great to reference your first work. But again, that may ruin the mood you set. That, and you did reference the original in the very end.
- Missing items: There were a few parts missing things. Such as at the end when the cast is on Bowser's Keep's cliff, the Sword is missing from the castle. When the cast is all together, the sword is there in the game and it looked like it WAS referencing the Party storming the keep.

The problems above was even me trying to nit pick. I had to search for things to point out.

The amazing:

= Mood: I loved the entire feel of the movie. It had the perfect atmosphere and actually portrayed the parties role quite well.
= Animation: Fantastic. Other than the above problem of the occasional inconsistancy, the animation flowed beautifully, and the art a huge improvement over the first Rawest Forrest. I smiled seeing this, since I've been a fan since 2005, when you first started releasing drawn animations. The emotion you give your characters pulls me in. Mario was the greatest example of this. I can't even describe how well this was made.
= Flow: The entire animation flowed perfect. Transitions executed beautifully, watching Mario's adventure through his eyes (in a sense) really added to the above two statements great. I never felt lost or confused when watching this, great job.
= Music: A great piece. At first I was like 'wuuuuh' until I realized it was cut, and made by you, Psyguy and a few others. The song was great. I honestly don't know how you managed to make such a spectacular piece, and make it seem to simple. The instruments all come great together, and also transitions great. This flash and the song go spectacular together.

I know I'm forgetting something, but I'm running out of characters. So I'll close with this:

Fantastic Animation, and I can't wait to see where you're headed with your career and I wish you the best!

Overall: 10/10 5/5

Current Score: 4.32 / 5.00 (+ 0.00067)

love it

it reminds me of all of the annoying parts of that game it still makes me want to go play it and i will right now


If I weren't already playing through the damn I'd be playing through it again. =D