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Reviews for "Take This Pill"

dear people who have never seen david before

right, before you go to comment on how messed up this guy is and how you want him to die and all that.
the main thing in all of david's videos is to keep a open mind if you look past the
gross exterior, there's a really thoughtful interesting author who's got a new grounds account and looked past making funny normal videos that you'll laugh at and move on from, he's made videos that really make people think twice.
but trust me on one thing (people who think david's messed up in the head) what will happen is this; you will look at this first time and thing it's horrible, then, because it's so horrible, you'll look again, then you will tell all your friends how messed up this guy is and make them watch it, then you will look at some of his other stuff then you'll realise, doki 66 is'nt half bad

thats what happen to me so i thought i should tell you

Could be better

In Overall the flash is good, the jokes are fine an intertening and the ideas are original. however the flash graphics aren t verry good , the soundtrack is ufwul in my opinion and the way that the jokes are used is strange.

Good to see you back.

I love you david firth, like an incestual uncle.



This is the biggest piece of shit ive ever seen.

Ive seen a lot of bad videos on newgrounds but this is just flat out ridiculous, id have to say c-span is more entertaining than this cluster fuck. anyways... i give you a 5 for effort. but then -5 for making such a horrid video. good job failure.