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Reviews for "Story of the Blanks"

That was completly unexpected.

I'll be honest, I shat bricks. That was terrifying.

About Mr-Izan's

Mr-Izan I love how you prattle on about constructive criticism yet you say absolutely NOTHING the game besides the fact it is My Little Pony, did you even play the game? How the collective fanbase are aspies, thinking the author actually cares about your shallow comment and even trying to use reverse psychology for him to keep it there "to prove you right". Constructive my ass...It's funny though because I get the last word unless you decide to create another account...is that what your going to do..."Prove me right" and do it ;)

Anyway I should review this, I to liked this game not reading the comments the twist through me for a loop, GREAT Atmosphere for an 8bit game you really deserve props considering the limitations. It was awesome seeing it take a turn like that, though, it left me for a desire for more. I respect leaving stuff open ended and unexplained is a style lots of writers like to use but I wanted this story a little more fleshed out a bit more.

The gameplay could use some work though the walking and all that was fine but the puzzles just seemed to be tacked on there to pad the game out. I would have liked to see a bit more exploring and talking to people (ponies) to build up the mystery.

Aside from being short I loved this and hope you make a sequel or something in the same nature.

Pretty creepy, and nicely minimalistic

I actually find some of the negative points that have been mentioned a plus:
a) I'm not very good at action games and actually prefer adventure/rpg games not to have any. So the fact that with one exception (the fast pony) it wasn't very difficult to outrun the baddies: thumbs up.
b) This also means that I place a premium on story in this kind of genre. And your game delivered pretty well for its c) short length. Sure, more could have been done with it, but then I probably wouldn't even have played it, because I'm a busy guy. But a 20-30 minute game fits into my schedule. And may we hope for a similarly-short sequel in the future? Please stick with the lack of exposition; you gave enough hints in the dialogue that people interested in the backstory could piece something together, and the lack of a spelled-out explanation actually added to the creepiness.

And @Mr-Izan (who will surely check back, if only to be confirmed in his belief that his post would be deleted): If you're so manly, why don't you prove your courage by watching an episode or two? Then you can comment in even greater detail about how girly the show is and how perverted the adults are who like it (and who must like nothing else, naturally, because one cannot watch several shows with different/contrasting target audiences, since humans are one-dimensional like that).

Oh my.

Jesus Christ how horrifying.

Good stuff though, glad there are more FiM games made every day :> A shame it is kinda short though.


Way to go bro!(ny)

At first I thought that grey one was gonna be derpy!
A little bit darker than an FIM tribute should be in my opinion, but awesome nonetheless.