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Reviews for "Safeway - The Flood"

stuff happens...

just like that. man that's a small forklift.

Nice animations and them music just FITS

Ha. Haha. Okay, well i didn't bust at the seems but it was funny and delightfully animated. The highlights for me would be the seafood turning back into fish, the guy eating a sandwich and the end scene. The supermarket music was perfect, it just says, "Naw, we have stuff like this happen all the time." Neat!


Well done ma friend.you should of animated more of the backgrounds but i understand that they are Very detailed and i see they were already a pain to draw but next time add more animation to it.

Clean up on Aisle...Oh shit...

Come on admit it that was the PERFECT way to start this review? No? Well whatever lols what a great exageration of a pipe leakage turning into a Tsunami! The backgrounds almost remind me of those traced backgrounds in Illwillpress movies only with ACTUAL effort and everything else looks real and authentic. I even love how you were creative and had the fish come to life the asian dude still eating the sandwich underwater. Now that is using originality!

That said I can't wait for more!


Did you realise your "The flood" sign at the start of the flash looks exactly like Fake Bloods album cover? Nice one. The thing that really stuck out with this flash (while not amazingly funny) was your backgrounds; they are eyecandy. Just a really great style. The music was subtle and suitable- that elevator music feel. Queue music.

I want to see more of this. Make more observational humour, maybe concentrating on observist comedians like Mitch Hedberg. Just my opinion.