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Reviews for "Elements of Arkandia"

I like it.

I do really like this game. I am addicted, so you did your job. I like the theme of the game, and there are plenty of things to do. Well done.

Good, but...

As AZINYE said before... this game has lot of things to improve. I wont say it all again, but i just remark which things were most important for me on my playtrough.

First, the difficulty level, the first 13-15 levels were easy, mobs with a cap of 65 (very easy en my opinion) and regular hits of 11 or 12 damage. But on further levels like endless bog i found mobs with more than 100hp and hitting like 15 damage, i was like WTF? the game just passed of easy to hard level. I could beat those mobs but with some difficulties. The real problem is on level 20, on unholy temple the first mob has 500hp and hits 22 damage. Again the game passed from hard to fucking insane level.

The items are not good enough to stand before that kind of mobs, using 15 rage i did like 66 damage, its not bad at all but i dont have any def, and much less life (275)

You only get 2 or 4hp healed for making a 4 or 5 combo line, would it be better if you make something like 5 or 10% of life healed per 4 gem with some combos? on higher levels 4 hp healed is crap, and some combos like cross or corner which are more difficult are not rewarded.

I dunno how hard are the last four levels because i couldnt reach em by now, but im giving anyway a 7, a very addicting and entertaining game altough all this mistakes.

Not my kind of game but it makes collecting gems a bit more interesting. I prefer the other Arkandia games myself . but I can see the appeal for folks that like the puzzle quest thing, just not for me. Music was boring so I turned it off.


Good puzzle quest spin-off but suffers from quite a bit of stuff.

1.Harness items don't work. I started a new data and got fire harness at 70 but still got only 3 red mana per 3 gems.

2. no real advantage. I got my warrior to 125% damage increase but best I got for other stats was 20 mana drain and 15% crit. The achievement for armor 40 doesn't even really help. even with def of 40 when you reach the final map most enemies still hit you for 20 and when a skeleton has 500hp and there are still 4 other enemies to fight I was like f this.

3. Saves with cookies. This is self explainitory. everyone deletes cookies at least once a week to speed up computer but uh oh there goes all your hard work. Now my bunny slippers only exists by webcam video sad face.

4. Money. just not enough. I found a way to cheat the system and get 2 loots per enemies but when every upgrade is 5k each and the best item i got was the dad hat for 1500 gold earning was horrible. 1500x30% is only 1950. Lots of grinding and the lowest you get is 3 enemies a map hello grinding/boring till you quit time.

5. hp. with all achievements/fruits i had about 350 hp at end of map but once again I mention that 500hp skeleton. wtf. I hate to see what the last boss hp is.

6. damage. with damage 125% I was hitting 30-50 easy. best hit was 155 with that attack plus 10 spell and a rare 12% critical hit. My warrior just couldn't hack it (lol) I will play again as mage but i doubt it will be any better. Since most people have 50 rage easy at endgame couldn't there have been weapons that were like 30/30?

7. The loan. Waste of my bleeping money. dad hat gives 80% heal when you match 3 gems and dad glove gives 3 hp per turn. combines with other stuff I got 9 hp every turn. This was great for tanking but made the game slower cause the best weapon I got does 18 damage and the best spell was the first one you get assuming you have the mana.

8. spells. poison 2hp per eneny turn and then they cast regen giving them 1hp per turn. useless. although with damage 125% poison did 5 damage per turn but still useless. there was no heal/uber heal spells. Healing fire destroys your precious blue mana and gives 1hp per mana. best a I got was 12 blue on screen so why should i lose blue mana just so the enemy can hit me by 20? these 2 were my least faves but no enemey spells? come on. if we could learn corrode and silence the low hp wouldn't be such a hinderance. Hell i would have like the double damage next turn spell at least. double damage plus crit i could hit 225 easy and be very happy. The only spell that breaks the game is sneak attack. for 10 poison you get a free hit and combine with the turn all gold coins to poison mana spell plus warlord which gives you 40 rage I went to town on the lower maps trying to get decent loot to equip/sell BUT this only works for one enemy cause 60 green/15 purple isn't easy to get.

9.achievements. You can earn all but mega combo/40 def easy and you only get 150hp for completing list. Sadly these should be for fun but the fact that they are easy and ARE REQUIRED to beat game. You failed with these.

10. Food. Wasn't even aware you could eat food but why bother? food either gave you 1hp or 2hp minus carrots that give you nothing that I noticed. Seriously? 2hp for every 3 to 4 maps maybe. That is some serious hp grinding that aint happening.

I could go on but if you read this far you should play it and see if you can find something I either missed or helps make up for the stuff I mentioned. Even though you most likely will nvr see the end you will still most likely enjoy playing. You can even beat my char by getting the bunny slippers or some other rare item and posting it.
