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Reviews for "RPG Shooter: Starwish"

Well made game.

The game doesn't glitch up or anything and it's really solid. The only conversations I managed to really get a story out of were the first few questions answered at the beginning. I wouldn't call it a dating sim, though. good work.

Not bad

Reached the third or fourth world. (gravstone fields) on normal difficulty.
I was level 45. 126 offense, 65 def, 121 agi, 103 int, 75 luck. Used all skills to improve my secondaries (crit, fire rate, extra shot) plus extra crit damage.

And i just gave up at that point.. My biggest problem with your game is just how repetitive and too "level" it is. All worlds have the same bosses, same ennemies (just "stonger" as time goes), same level progression and design, same things again and again. Two similar worlds is tolerable, but 3 and more? No.
Ennemies tend to grow in power in a similar way as we grow in power, so nearly everything takes as much time to kill at my point than what it took at the beggining. Too samey. not much fun. Turrets however seem to get a big boost in fire rate.
It would be nice if we had a choice to make, like choosing between going to place A or B, it could influence the dating part better imho (like person a want you to go to A, person b to B). RIght now it simple "clear all levels, boss, repeat"

Weapons are varied but i just use the laser and two foward missiles. Everything else just feel superflous or too situationnal to be effective.

While i really like your approach for the RPG bits, the sometimes very long conversations really discouraged me from reading it all, so after while i just skipped them all the instant they popped up. Not that it mattered in the end, plot or no plot doesnt seem to change anything in the gameplay.

Didnt notice bits for the "dating sims", maybe if i readed stuff it would be obvious, but i stopped reading a while ago. For what i readed the characters were interesting. Got the blue (guy, girl?) to talk a bit.

Stats really, REALLY need pop-up text to explain exactlyy what each do. Going to see the guy at the bar for basic, critical information like that is irritating.

For modules, most seem usefull.. but i feel shield ones are the best investment by far. Engine 5 is more than fast enough for my needs. Whatever else i took was just to get rounded numbers in XYZ stat.

Music is nice but a bit irritating in conversations when it changes too often.

It's decent, but just seems sort of slow. Nothing we haven't seen yet. Also, the framerate is sluggish.

you should add a full screen option because its a bit to small for my taste.

love the game but i dont have time to read that long ass shit