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Reviews for "Awesome Noire"


Dude, you're slipping. Compared to your other work, this is shit, 100% grade C shit.

Well then...

Good to know I no longer have a reason to watch any new additions to the awesome series.

Before anyone says anything about my review, yes this is a review and yes I will talk about how his old works are better, because they are.

Now then, ahem, to put it lightly... this was exactly what you intended to show us, shit. The entire first half of the flash was a joke about the sketches Cole does, which admittedly is worth a chuckle, but only a chuckle. The second half of the flash is about... well basically nothing but the chief looking at the sketches. And it all goes to the twist ending of a sketch of poop, classy.

This animation truly sucked! I can accept that it was short in length, that's entirely fine, but what I can't accept is that you didn't even make an attempt in the time that you devoted to making this flash. You pointed out one obvious thing that happens and exaggerated it a little bit. That's an okay observation, but doesn't merit half the length of the entire flash animation. Either come up with something better or don't waste your time.

And what was with the second half of this? Oh, the chief thought it was cool that he sketched decently, haha. Forgetting the fact that the real chief would probably shoot Cole in the foot for sketching rather than taking actual notes, this scene provides nothing. No jokes, no setup, no development for something else to happen, it's just there as padding for you to show a sketch of poop.

Honestly, what happened to the days when you tried? Not only has the length of your animations slowly been lowering, but the quality has been deteriorating too. Sure, the artwork is nicer, animation is smoother and cleaner, and the voices are good. But those do not make up for the fact that the content is so unthoughtful and stupid that it probably took you the time it takes to tween a ball to move across the screen to come up with them.

As it stands this is just crap and doesn't deserve to be even close to the daily feature. Hell, if it was a random user that uploaded it and not you it would probably be blammed like it should be.

Egoraptor, speaking as a fan of your works, you need to really take a look at what the script for you animation is. Sit down and make it something good before you put it out. Even if it takes more time to make because video games are played and remembered for longer than the course of a few weeks, your Metal Gear Awesome series proved that. I really hope you read this and have some sort of change of heart.

There, an actual honest review (which is more than I can say for most of the kiss-ups posted). Though because noone cares I doubt it'll even be read...

You get a three, 1 for good looks, 1 for good sound, and 1 for a hope of something that doesn't suck in the future (even though it's unlikely at this point)

Not impressed...

I can't say I enjoy the awesome flashes like before. They just are going down the tube in terms of content. Yes your art is kickass, but the substance is lacking. The first half was a decent intro, then it cut away to a promising scene, then it all ended with a poop joke.
I think the major reason this kind of thing happens is because your doing Awesome flashes for games you don't really enjoy or never played, L.A. Noire and Halo Reach, I think if you actually played and enjoyed a game you'd probably get more into it and provide something better if you wanted to make an Awesome flash out of it.
Plus I personally prefer it when you go off on your own ideas rather than trying to find a joke for a game, stuff like Mr. Literal was a lot better.
Anyways, Good Art + "Decent" Jokes + Good Voices = 3 Stars from me.


This seems like you were too lazy to come up with real jokes. I can tell how little you worked on this. Put some effort into your next one this shames the whole awesome series.

I'm disappointed.

I'm sorry, Egoraptor, but this just doesn't live up to the standards set by your previous flashes. It seems everything but your sense of comedy has improved. Your animation is great, the voices are great, but it's just not that funny. It seems that after you became really famous, things have just gone downhill with regard to your flashes. I really hate to do this because I used to love every single thing you used to churn out of your strange little head, but I have to give you a 1/5 and a 3/10 on this one with the hopes that next time, you try to reach back and figure out what made your flashes funny in the first place. I'm sure one bad review won't make you change anything, but I do hope you at least read this and that it gives you a moment's pause.
