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Reviews for "Pokemon But With Animals2"

What a Good Follow Up Should Be

A lot of elements were improved from the first episode. While you kept the simplistic drawing style that made the first one charming, the animation and colors were clearer. The sound was still muffled in parts; that would be an element to focus on improving in part 3, if you make a part 3. Even though the animation felt more produced, you managed to keep the "low-fi" vibe of the first flash. I liked the extended narrative, and that you slowed some of the dialog down to make it a bit easier to follow.

What stood out the most for me was the use of different humor elements than you used in the first episode. Overall, this technique worked well. Making Pokemon jokes can be a one-trick-pony exercise, but you didn't settle for telling the same joke twice, even if a bit of the humor was recycled. But hey, that needs to be done for continuity. (For those who will say that the humor is recycled, might I remind you that ATHF has been recycling the same jokes for 10 years, and it can still be funny from time to time.) The only thing that felt forced in this flash was the immature sex humor. You've proven yourself to have a great understanding of comedy without having to use it. You came close to over-relying on it, especially with the Brock is blind/molester joke, but you didn't go too far as to make it puerile and tasteless.

When I see someone say they will make a sequel to a flash, I worry that they will just make the same flash a second time without adding anything new or improving technique. You added new elements, expanded your comedic repertoire, and improved your technique. For that you get a 10. If Newgrounds had a best new artist award (even though you technically aren't a new artist, but so what), you'd be my frontrunner.

I loved the "your face is hot" joke. Funniest line on NG for the month.

RyanHatesMilk responds:

Every time I see someone put something nice on a review, it feels good, but this was something else. This is officially the best review i've ever had. One of my biggest flaws in making stuff, and in life in general, is a huge tide of self doubt I occasionally get, the success that i've had with this series is slowly diminishing that, and in depth reviews like this really help me feel more confident in my work and my writing. Thanks mate! I love seeing how people actually feel about these things, people giving me an insight into what they did/didn't like, what I need to change and what I need to keep the same and where to improve. Thanks again. Hopefully I won't let you down with the next one!

Great sequel.

ME GUSTA .|:|=


Shit mate haha. I can't understand why anyone would not love this. It's funny, and the way you drew it kinda fitts the whole thing. And you made me realize how the name gary actually sounds very gay. Never noticed it when i watching the cartoons as a kid.

Keep it up and i will add it to favourites. nice job
p.s. these whining people are bloody pissing you of innit? me to..

Lol quieto

Fuking grass =)


Thanks for uploading this on my birthday :D

RyanHatesMilk responds:

You're welcome. I hope you got other presents too though. At least some socks. Jesus.