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Reviews for "SS - Keys of our Past"

smart guy

you know a shit load of info

RiverJordan responds:

I'm like a sponge when it comes to this stuff! I have a hard time remembering stuff that seems important, but with anything related to this, it ALL sticks :D

Great, succinct. But what about Psychedelics?

This was great. Lots of interesting facts communicated in an entertaining and fair summarized format. It might be too much of a rabbit hole to get into, or perhaps not something you've personally investigated, but I would also be interested to see you incorporate the relationship of the human to psychedelics which are inherent to many of the enlightenments you reference. Some examples would be Crick's discovery of the the double helix, American and African shamanism, Terence Mckenna's novel theory (a.k.a. the "bags of facts", in part), near-death or pineal glad experiences (i.e. DMT created by our brains), gaian and alien contacts...and the list goes on. In any case, I look forward to seeing your other videos... good job!


you have just set me on a path of learning and understanding, though I do not know how far it will take me nor if I can hope to understand even a forth of the information you know I am still looking foward to exspand my horizon in understanding just what secrets lie to be discovered.


Party at my place, Time - Dec. 21 2012. Make sure to bring a big bag of fucking called it just in case.


i lol'd at the ending, but i i am certainly more eager for the day, only 548 days, 7 hours 5 minutes left. :P