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Reviews for "SS - Keys of our Past"

You raise some interesting points.

Purely technically, it was good. I enjoyed the visuals of the sort of rag-doll presenter and such. Seemed very much like a lecture, with pictures of the Sphinx and diagrams as slides to aid the audience.
Now that the technical side of things had been briefly dealt with, I wanted to make a few comments on the content. One of the main points you made was the transition from female- to male-orientated systems of knowledge. A move towards more rational and purely logical methods of understanding the world around us. I think this is a very interesting and important point, but to attribute it to cosmological events requires a large leap of faith from your audience. Historically, humans attributed great reverence to the uniquely female ability to create life. Gaia and Mother Nature are examples of this. The transition from polytheism to monotheism led to the less aggressive female gods being ousted in favour of a more destruction-orientated singular male God. It does seem highly conjectural to state this transition was due to cosmological phenomena.
Furthermore, I am curious why you state that we are currently in a knowledge explosion yet contradict yourself by stating that humanity is near the end of "falling asleep." If "waking up" doesn't happen until next year we should be at our lowest level of understanding and at our most conjectural.
I also question your typifying ancient Greece as purely based on conjecture rather than actual knowledge. Did you not think to mention Archimedes?
You make an interesting point about the Sphinx and it is important to not see ancient civilisations as barbarous or backward. To state that the reason no one really discusses the age of the Sphinx due to their religion does smack of cultural elitism, to an extent. It must be remembered that it was not so long ago that Western civilisation did not accept the world was older than 4000 years old. There are still Christian groups who lobby to not allow evolution to be taught in American public schools. It could well be that, as there is no knowledge of a civilisation around the Nile before the Ancient Egyptians, the Sphinx is simply attributed to the Egyptians as there is no other group it could be. Albeit I am suggesting negative evidence there so it isn't a great argument, but to attribute the lack of discussion of the Sphinx to Islamic culture seems questionable.
You make some interesting points, and the theories put forward intrigued me as I had not heard them before. The theories, however, do not convince me. Maybe it is because I am a product of the masculine logical world which has been created. To me, it just seems like the ideas you put forward are just different ways of explaining the world from different civilisation at a different time. To say that one is better purely due to the cosmological world in which it occured seems too far fetched for me. The transition from Phlogiston theory to the modern scintific understanding took about 350. Does the cosmological position of the Earth change that much in that short amount of time? Can we really say with such certainty that a theory of the cosmos is the reason for civilisations rise and fall?
It's important to note the knowledge of ancient civilisations, but it should not be taken too far.
Interesting stuff though, don't get me wrong. It's just I have not been convinced. I'll take a look at your other animations, I hope they will be as interesting and challenge my way of thinking as well as this one has.

RiverJordan responds:

Ahh, but were already waking up, as were on the other side of the curve. In fact, human history speeding up and learning more and more can be attributed to us coming out of our sleep. We were at our lowest state in the dark ages, then we started waking up slowly, and slowly, but today were on a straight up curve.

Actually, to really get to the bottom of this we must go deeper into what these civilizations knew, only then we can remember who and what we really are


i just learned a bunch of stuff and ur voice isn't like other people like a very boring voice

i think i gained IQ points just listening to this

yo im Canadian too bro!
i think that the waking up and falling asleep could actually relate to the male and female energies in your last video for example. When you said we got dumber and philosophical in that period a lot of famous art and architecture was made and perhaps the philosophers were just trying to understand our existence as a whole rather go with simple understanding that we have gods for the necessities and we should simply be grateful and not bite the hand that feeds us. When we wake up we re-enter our male state of mind and take what we thought up previously with all our ideas and such and those philosophers become inverters and our technological advancements explode because with greater understanding or parts we are able to focus and eliminate defects in a design and make a good invention work to its potential. However being in the male part of the cycle which you mentioned in an earlier video is that we wont be as likely to put the pieces together to see the whole and realize that we are destroying our planet with over pollution over population expending our resources ect But in my opinion though these indigo children are supposed to be male energies with their greater intelligence and the awareness of human impact there will most likely be many indigo Al Gores to come. How many elections can they cheat on in a row anyway ;D That is all my brain kinda hurts now


I have watch all of these "lessons" so far, and i find them very interesting. Most statments in these videos seem to relate to me, on many levels. As an agnostic, I am open minded to differnt religous ideas, as an intelectual, I am understanding of the facts and threoies you present, and as an individual, i have experianced and met others who have many of the examples you presented.

I have my own threoy on the "impossible" acevments of anchent civilizations, though I am not ruling out other lifes. You see, as a species, we have not grown "smarter", rather than; our avaible knowlage has grown. Through out history we have lost knowlage also. Example being: the burning of the Library of Alexandia. When these happened, it is said we lost something like 90%-98% of our world knowlage. Another example would be the fact that there have been many civilizations that disappeared with out a trace, for no apparent reason. When these civilzations disappeared, we lost the knowlage they held. there are many other examples i could go to, but won't out of pure lazyness (lol), but with this how do we know that these people where really premitive, or that they had ansestors past down selected information and technology that got lost through time. I am not challanging you and your theroy in anyway here, I am just interested in seeing how you view this and our others view this.

Incerdibly engaging yet interesting

Not exactly at the top of the spectrum for animation skills, but the information that was given out was in such clarity, detail and precision that I completely overlooked the low framerate and focused on more what you're trying to say.

This "Lesson" is amazing, you're not just teaching us things; You're challenging science and religion, and with very real evidence indeed.

At first, this looked like some sort of flash cartoon I could find solace within vulgar humor, that is usually the case; But with this, such intuitive and intelligent statements that leave little to nothing for the mind to wander with, just clear-cut concise factual information.

This flash submission is a winner, and by newgrounds standards, a whole new way of learning about science that is both able to keep the viewer occupied and glued on the screen.