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Reviews for "Doodle God 2"


I've played a game called alchemy which is very similar to this but I must say this version is 100% better! Love the graphics nice and simple gameplay 10/10 :)

erm.. o.o

wtf?! knowledge + fish = Octopus?!


i like it:D

As Keris said

some of the combinations make no sense.

Some of the combinations are a play off words while others are just out of the blue. How Quicksilver is Metal and Water, I've no clue. And how you manage to get Gold from a Cell Phone is also one of those confusing points.

Ultimate World Creation, fine, but keep it logical. The hints need work. While I don't expect a full out answer, I enjoyed getting a hint of which elements to use to make something new. That was something the first Doodle God did.

I think the freedom to combine the elements without being restricted per episode would have made this a better "creation" experience. From what I could see, there was no real need to separate this into two episodes. I think it would have been fine to just keep it as a single episode with a transition in the middle. Still, I don't think episode 2 was logical enough to stand by it's point in terms of combining elements in conjunction with the story. It just seemed...well....a bit scatterbrained. It didn't flow like it ought to. It wasn't consistent to what we were being told. It just wasn't steady or straightforward.

I love the fact that you've added voice talent in this. It shows that this game's gained some ground. I like that. The theme itself is a fun one and keeps people coming back to see what they could make. However, as I've pointed out, it's the logic behind the combinations that need work especially if you're going to structure a story around it. It needs to flow and stay committed to that premise by having that represented in what we combine and the new elements it creates.

152 and still some left ^^

kool game. I love it. played DooodleGod and Doodle Devil before. Very Very addicting.