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Reviews for "Reimagine :The Game:"


Not more of this crap, its too fuckin funny

Great game!

Your game is very entertaining. I liked the humor that embodied here as well, this game is a challenge. Therefore, do not go making it easier, since for the same stands. Have the players strive to finish it and so may take a good memory. Keep it up!

PS: Greetings from Chile.
(Sorry for my english :P)

Reimaginig How Games Should Be Made and Played.

It all began with a simple faceless figure continuously committing suicide off a small patch of land. Two installments later, and I can finally say that :the Game: series is not only now a fully complete game, but a also a game fit for the Newgrounds Top Lists. Nutcasenightmare's newest game follows the classical formula of Troll physics to make an almost perfect flash game.

STEP 1: Give the Game Its Prettyness
To be honest, Nutcasenightmare never had a problem with presentation. Sure, the graphics can be a bit basic at times, but the cartoon style compliments the game's maturity very well. I can't believe I never said this before, but this series has a strong resemblance to Comedy Central's South Park, especially this game! Each mini-game presents a theme that relates to real-life current events whether it's the stage, the comments before and/or after the game, or the gameplay itself; while each game's theme will make you laugh out loud, they also make you think of how society works and why people embrace such traditions (especially Facebook as it seems to be the topic of discussions in more games than any other). This game even has it's own buttload of original soundtracks and high-quality (for this game at-least) cutscenes that further enhance the lulz. Just like South Park, it doesn't pull any punches.

STEP 2: Put in the Game Mechanics
In earlier installments, the main gameplay was simply causing a different version of a doll, whether it be Barrack Obama, Micheal Jackson, to stroll of the edge of a piece of land into their own oblivion. There were different iterations of this, and even the rules changed a bit from time time, each making its audience laugh, but after a while it got repetitive. Thankfully, this style of play has taken its own dive off the cliff because the gameplay is more in depth and playable than ever. Taking the advice from the amount of people who liked the mini-games such 'Gun Control', 'Stock Market', and 'SubPrime', each level is now its own different platform game, and each one is as enjoyable as the last. Some even have puzzles that will surprisingly leave you perplexed for the first few seconds. However I don't agree with the recent edit to make these puzzles easier. If this game was in fact planning to be like South Park (which I doubt as I think it just wanted to be bat-shit bananas), then it can't be pulling any punches on challenging its players' minds as it does their traditions and beliefs.

STEP 3: [Insert Achievements Here]
This is a recent addition to the troll manual but it's proven to be a necessary one to stretch a game for whatever re playability juice it can extract out. These medals in particular, are a bit of a challenge to get at first, but with a bit of practice they can be achieved. Some are even easier to obtain once you uncover the various glitches this game has. Aside from earning medals, the game also gives the player the ability to insert themselves into the game with more options as more achievements are unlocked. This is a step-up from the Level Editor from the last game, by the time all the options are available and the player is able to achieve their :the Game: fantasies, there's no point to as the game is basically over.

So what does all of this sum up to? ....I think the web surfers know where this is going so I'll just get on with it: INFINATE LOLZ OF JOY!!!!!11! The game is extremely funny and is actually a game this time around. And at the pace this game..and..well..this world is going, I'm hoping to see more installments of this soon...that is if 2012 doesn't destroy us all.

$ $ $ $ $
5 Memefications out of 5
Review Request Club: Problem PSN? :3

IT Good

Well its verey nice when my dad created GTA 3


This is EVERYthing is ever WANTED in a game!
burn it all!!