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Reviews for "Perfect Kirby 1.1"




What in the hell was wrong with you people saying it was good? That was the worst piece of garbage I have ever seen. I am so mad I want my RAM back. It was so bad I couldn't watch it all the way through, I have lost some of my life from watching it, and I am actually dumber for watching the few minutes that I did. I hope people heed this review and don't watch it, and to the creators, well may Jeebus have mercy on your souls.


-Low Budget Studios

M-this movie is complete crap followed by a lame storyline. You made Kirby look like a pussy,you made seinfeld look bad too.your movie was full of crappy used up sayings. I just ate a jelly bean that tasted like barber hair but it was still better than your movie! ps. i would rather live on a farm and have my crop eaten by locusts then watch your movie again.

K- next time make a better use of your time you crotchcricket.ps.. ya i ate one of those jelly beans 2.... eww....

D- "D" is in mexico and cant review this right now. if he was here he would think it was good. so ya... hes an idiot.

You get a 1 for effort

it sux 'nuff sed


Well...okay, but there's absolutely no reason for Kirby to star in this. He's just kind of stuck in there. Try replacing him with a regular guy and not much changes.