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Reviews for "The Krypt"


I am amazed and kinda feel reminded of Madworld for the wii^^
Just wow, this whole art style was just totally incredible and also the animations were super smooth. I don't really know, what the hell was going on there, what this whole story was about and all, but I still was like; Oh my god, will that guy escape? will he make it? Also this evil guy was strange, but still somewhat scary and all in all made a good evil... bird... thingy...
So altrough the story was... strange, I'd say, it was not bad and I was interested. And now for the most important part in my opinion;
That music... it's awesome... just pure awesomeness...
I really think this deserves frontpage!

Art: 9/10
Animation: 10/10
Story: 9/10
Sound(music): 10/10

Overall: 10/10 5/5

PS: Could it be, that the flash has some freezing issues on some pc's? It suddenly stopped on my laptop, but on my desktop pc, it worked fine.
Also I see one review there, by TaarNG, that made me think, "Maybe it stpped on his pc"


This...is amazing. I love your use of only black white and yellow. Adds a nice touch.


amazing. i saw this while searching, (i wn't lie to you) and i thought it would B a usual music video. i was wrong. i'm glad about it. because this is great, beyond any words, i mean, you made the aniamtion so fluent, so alive (and yet so lifeless, you get me?)
that it really touched you. the philosophical issues, and the ideas of an age full of corruption, and deceipt, were, known, yet greatly depicted. you did this in a whole new way. infants/robots hunting down the human/test subject/escapee? amazing. and the bird-like leader, who hunts down the free-man? amazing. that thing looked quite like boss's works, and it was excellent to watch. pretty clever.
also, the hat scene was amazing. really scary. ehh, other than that, i found the conitnuing of the scene, amazing, and the 3-d of the shadow, or the bird-like, leader, to be simply amazing. great shadows, and colour...
VERY fluent animation. and very alive. have i said this? i did. but i must insist, for it was great. also, i loved the background effects, like with the rays, going on behind the ''leader'', and on the scene in the forest.

also, the ending was quite a surprise. quite a climax you've got there, but i would never expected this. i thought you would end up on a: either a very depressing end, or a joke, after i saw what the guy was holding. still, the end was bizzarre. TOO bizzarre. tetris? all are tetris? hahahaha!
mad. strange. almost peverse. but that makes it brilliant, and it fits with the scary story. so, the ending fits, the whole stroy, strangely.

i just wish he escaped. oh well..

great movie, you got my five.
and support. (not that u need it, tho!)

hmmm... the music was.. ehhh a bit different for my tastes, but the instrumental part was EXCELLENT, while the rest of the music was, odd, drilling my ears, and head. odd. the instrumental tho, was, really good! i hope it sticked to instrumental more than the techno. still, i understand why it was used, hehe

so, did you do the music? if so, good. if not, still, good. i just think that the visuals, and the sound made that so great. (tho, the impact happened to me by mostly the visual, AND the music part, esp. the insturmental part, that was just great)
all, in all, a good movie. great job!

inner meaning?

welll from my point of view it looked like the bird guy was 'god' and the helicopter dudes were holy men preists and regular christians, whereas the guy running away seemed like an atheist trying to set everyones minds free... got to say it is an excellent peice of art and somehow very true

Theres just something...

Graphic good, animation awesome, music fitting and idea interesting, but i cant help but feel that there is something missing.
basically a puppet runs away from its master taking "something" to some where(?) or is running away while trying to save his fellow comrades with the item(?) in which it some how has to do with the world.
So... either than this i cant really understand the message or the conclusion of it ....