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Reviews for "Steelcurse"

Well put together

1. Amazing story line, the imagery flows into the players mind, with every detail the player can clearly see the world within the game.

2. Nice use of literature. I found many quotes from Shakespearean novels, my favorite being "Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them", which is from Othello.

3. Fantastic art, it is beautiful, easy on the eyes, and it goes with the story.

An overall well put game 5/5 10/10

Love the art.

I loved how Fae a character looked and i love using the card guy xD so awesome .
Enhancing weapon and whatsoever would be great but you may keep it as it is as it really brings out the good old days playin' pictureless games only texts but some pictures maybe . :) great work dude Do play it :) it really live up to its name . What a original piece of work i wanna ask you who inspired you to make such a sweet game xD .


Wonderful game!!! I love old RPGs like this, and this really brings back some gaming memories... The level up system was alright at first, but I noticed monsters were worth substantially more as I leveled up. Considering how much I needed to level up, this was alright at first. Soon enough though, I was needing several hundred thousand exp (eg. 500k) for one single level, and monsters started only giving me 30k tops (except for dragons, which put up quite a fight and only gave me an extra 6k). The bosses were progressively stronger (This is HP-based, as not ONE of them landed a single blow on me through the game. Lols). With that said, I have to say the wizard was laughably easy. My endgame stats were:

HP: 65 (Crap, I know)
MP: 103 (Mhmm, sucked)
Str: 22 (LOL)
Vit: 8 (Go ahead, laugh. You know you wanna.)
Dex: 42 (The dust dragon was the only monster even capable of hitting me and inflicting any sort of double digit number, everything else in the game was doing 0, or missing)
Int: 10 (Lawl)
Luck: 6 (LMAO)
Attack: 84 (Second best weapon in the game. 62 points from Str+ 22 from weapons)
Defense 178 (Maxed, best armor in the game)

I was a pure Dex character, and I gotta say it was FAR too easy playing as one. It might've been more challenging if you could reduce the dodge rate a little, so I can actually be hit. The battle system was fun, and quite interesting. Str gave a good increase in attack per point. Vit was pretty useless for me. Dex was overpowered, and I'm disappointed in anyone who didn't place any points here, due to its vital use, which led to their inevitable death before the first boss. Int was good, but gave me almost twice the max MP as Vit game my max HP. Luck... I just didn't use. ^^ Music and art style was amazing, I loved the drawn BG and characters/monsters. Magic spells were diverse, well described, and effective (Healing for me, at least on those damn dust dragons). Relics were useful (I found all of them) and monsters dropped a fair amount of gold after the first boss.

All I have to say, is I was blown away. One of the best games I have seen on NG in years. I literally played it from start to finish, and I would love a sequel! Please make more games, and thank you for reminding me what kinda games got me started on NG in the first place. :)

Hyptosis responds:

Thanks for the detailed feedback. ^_^


I havent felt like this in a while, music plus artistic environment and the reading, it really got me summoned into a fantasy world for hours.
About the gameplay I find it pretty good as for hybrids or spell casters, but if you like brute force I would suggest to add a couple of skills that need strength or dexterity instead of intellect but I guess thats not the point of the game.

I really enjoyed it, thanks for sharing it!

Hyptosis responds:

Thank you so much for the kind words! ^_^

It is an awesome Point-And-Click game!