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Reviews for "Teelonians:Clan Wars"


Good idea but poor execution imo.
INTRO SCREEN: move player's speed by any key (or any click) moving forward a scene.
GAMEPLAY: Allow units to "swap" with any point on the row. Give everyone a mouseover health bar and give your buildings constant health bars (along with any enemies you deem deserving)
UPGRADE SCREEN: I couldn't see the amt. of gold and res points needed for many units
FX: Animation and grafx were very nice.

Ideas for next game: Maybe incorporate a map of the continent and which regions are being taken over/defended. Give higher ranked units special skills (either passive such as an attack change or random)

TeelosGames responds:

thanks a lot for your input and thanks for playing! :)

hope next game will better! :)

Too long, and too strong.

The units you give the player are simply too powerful. I expected that they would die, and I would have to replace my lines mid level. This wasn't the case at all, in fact, a few archers and you win. One thing I would have liked to see was a health bar, on both friendly, and unfriendly units.

The levels were painfully long. In fact, the only thing that stopped me from leaving my invincible archer army alone for twenty minutes while they fought a depressingly one-sided battle was the awful method of collecting money in the game.

In short, make the levels at least half (I would prefer a third) as long, weaken the units, and throw in health bars.

p.s. The type font you used was difficult to read, pick something else. I don't care if a word looks pretty if I can't read it.

Good concept, sloppy execution.

With a little more time in beta testing, this game could have been a fun and interesting derivative of PvZ. Unfortunately, the game has a lot of missing information, IMHO.

The research points didn't display properly, so I had no idea when/if a new unit could be unlocked. I also found it odd that individual units will show rank stripes, but NOT HP or attack points or anything else about their conditions. And I couldn't help but notice that the merchant unit seems to be mislabeled (they give 10 gold, not 25). I know typos happen, but messing up the very first unit in the game does not make a good first impression. :/

What made me quit playing was that I didn't really know what was going on and got bored with the repetition.

very acceptable quality game : )

It s a good steam game rip off, and it s a good game by itself.
my flash player keeps crashing, i know that s my comp s fault but u might wanna make it lighter all the same.
i guess i shuold also say it s very easy

not even 'good enough'

The only cheat I need is a cheat to speed things up a little. And speaking of speed, this game can use a performance boost. Once you get all your stuff on every possible place my computer had a slight framerate drop and the (custom) mouse reacted slower.

I do not think it is necessary for a game of this relatively low complexity to have such a drop in performance. Considering its simple animations I think you would be way better of with (prerendered) bitmaps. Most likely the CPU usage is 90% spended on those expensive vector graphics.

The concept is not really original and the result even worse. There are allot of things about this game that are good, but the flaws are much easier to find then the strong points of this game. It has some sort of dead feeling to it and its way to boring after the first 10-15 minutes.