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Reviews for "Butcherbugs"

Mouse wheel

I like these kind of games, I specially loved the different squads of the shooters (mouse wheel). But I do have some comments. Let's see... When we're supposed to be moving forward, don't make enemies run in from beneath, it's annoying. If those lasers are blocking my projectiles, they should also block all other projectiles (reality check?). If I can't pass through the lasers neither should enemies. That's about it.

Pretty good

I just wish I knew a few things before I started playing...

Chiefly that the purple borders were for effect and wouldn't kill me, and that red neurons would only block me and not kill me.

Otherwise very good, especially giving me the option to change formation instead of just shooting forwards at all times.

Solid game

Within the time constraints, I thought this was one of the more creative interpretations of the pooped out key words. I liked that it wasnt as literal as some of the other executions.

As far as criticism go, I thought that the difficulty at the beginning was kind of sluggish, like it feels like it takes a bit too long to really get to the meat and bones of the game where the neurons really start kicking in and making life difficult. The changing of the patterns was a nice touch, probably where the charm of the game lies. Art was good, the controls felt good, and the enemy variety considering the time constraints was comfortable.

Good work

Cool :3

I really loved the music in this game, that alone kept me pretty entertained.
I liked the idea of different formations, and they actually worked well. It would've been useful to see which button corresponds to what formation though. Trying to find the right one caused me some lives.
I don't get what this had to do with butchers, I didn't spot them anywhere in the actual game. O.o
Anyway this was a fun and short little game. :)

Glaiel-Gamer responds:

you were inside the butcher's brain destroying his brain lobes the whole time

It's ok

This was a well animated, well programmed game that could use a bit of work in the playability department

I really enjoyed the premise of the game, voyaging into the human body (as opposed to traversing untold parsecs fighting nameless alien drones) was kind of a unique, albeit a bit contrived twist. That area could have been fleshed out, in story and mechanics, to add to the game world.

The animation and control was, as far as I saw, flawless. There was a bit of an issue switching to full screen and back again where I lost control for a minute, but that's only a minor thing and really didn't detract from the gameplay - probably going to be technical issues there regardless of the skill of the programmer.

One major flaw I found was the inability to switch formations. From the reviews that I read (just a few) it would seem that this was a major innovation for the game. However, I was unable to switch at all. I hit all the number keys multiple times, while firing and while still, keyboard and numberpad, and yet I still remained in the single tight circling formation. This sounds like a great concept if executed correctly, but alas I must chalk this up to a game bug or programming flaw (maybe compatibility with firefox, possibly?).

Upgrades would have been great, as it does get a bit monotonous just firing the same thing and moving around fighting brain cells or whatnot. The possibilities here are vast, for sure. Neural toxins, electrical shocks, parasites/bacteria carried by the ladybug to name a few - the possibilities are vast, and many mechanics from basic shooters could be incorporated into this environment with relative ease.

As fantasy dragon pointed out, a Pause option would be great. Also, the game does tend to drag on a bit, but powerups or a bit more variety in the enemies/object to fight would have livened this up significantly. That being said, I found your comments on FD's review pretty ironic. I hope you find this review actually constructive and critical, as I enjoyed it for a while, but didn't find alot of replay value.

With a few tweaks this could be a great game. As it stands, however, I believe that it's destined for obscurity. In any case, please give us more. Give us some innovation and originality while maintaining your quality of art and gameplay.


Glaiel-Gamer responds:

Were you using the numpad or the number keys to try and switch formation?

I dont think the numpad works