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Reviews for "Love on the Beach"

Not to good.

Terrible voice acting, unfunny, no real point, and wapanese.

Just dont understand...

I don't really understand it i mean... yea your bagging on animes but thats not enough.. the story doesnt make sense (what little one their is) the animations awful but it is funny at the end when he shoots himself, Its terribly depressing for v-day like... i wanted to kill myself, but i mean i think you mighta meant the voice acting to be so awful because it sounded hilarious i mean thats the only thing i laughed at... you got that right at least, i mean im no pro critic and obviously multitudes of people liked it because its frontpage material.. and i dont like bagging on peoples projects because this stuff is hard to do.. so with all do respect (honestly) i give you my useless blathering on what i thought of your flash

O! Oh my gosh!

Honestly, after I watched 'this', whatever 'it' is, I sat and pondered for several seconds trying to comprehend what the hell I had just watched.
The first thing I thought is "how is this on the front page on NG"? The quality of the animations that are given a coveted 'feature' has been dropping recently at an alarming rate.
Second, is this supposed to be a comedy?!...um...a...drama? I really have no idea. I blame this on several factors including a 'girl' that seemed to have a guys voice and the pointless, sadistic, and somehow grossly ironic nature of the plot.
Also, the animation. Are they, supposed to BE STICK DUDES?!? (Sorry, I had to). The animation lost all fluidity once random frame by frame animations became a constant excuse for actually animating something 'good' or 'decent'.
It is really hard to offer 'this' a rating, high or low, knowing that, likely speaking, this was put on the front page as a joke. That is the only idea that makes since to me for this animation to grace the front of the portal.
So, 4. There.

For serious?

Maybe I didn't get the humor. Just didn't like it. Voices, animation, and any storyline or at least a joke or two was lacking.

What the hell?

What was that? That was neither clever or funny. It was just plain depressing. Stupid story, very poor animation... really no redeeming factors to this, unless you want count some flashes of cleavage and panties.
