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Reviews for "Droid Grids Beta 0.19.1"

Awsome game

Hmmm wow this was actaully a pretty fun game there was alot going on the grids actually looked pretty good and the overall gameplay was even better i had fun with this one, i do however wish there was more {ENHANCED} visuals you did have some ok ones but maybe more detailed but i guess that would just bog down the flash itself, but for the mostaprt this was a great game and i really had fun playing it, there was lots to think on and do and thats what kept me interested and not bored so props to you on that aspect of things, it has a good {REPLAY} value wich i really liked, but anyways more enhanced visuals would be my only suggestion of improving for the most part it was fun and entertaining with lots of replay value.

As above review just some enhanced visuals and you are good to go.

Fun and entertaining lots of replay value


glider521al responds:

Thanks for trying and reviewing my game!

The visuals will be improved. When I have time, I'll try and make better backgrounds/tilesets/particles effects.
Sooner or later I'll be looking to find a willing isometric artist who can help me with the spriting...

However the priority for now is engine optimization and adding in the other half of the core gameplay elements.

Updates will be occuring a bit less frequent, as I'm bogged down with Uni work at the moment:
e.g. Software processes and Design 1500 word Essay :(

Rest assured though that I'll never abandon this project, thanks to the constructive feedback from people like you.

major fix up

u may need to check the "coding"
and what not.
it looks like when u press the "play" buttons b4 a mission
it seems to go back to the main menu
as if it reconises the entire file as the actual game...
so yea

glider521al responds:

I fixed it, the problem occured when I added the NG loader.

I forgot to update the frame the button was meant to link to,

P.s. To anyone else who may be reading this. Now that the fatal error has been fixed I need reviews from people who've got a chance to play the game.
I've spent months just getting it to this stage.

Droid themed flashed. Graphics have that robotic theme but could be more dynamic. Gameplay is stalled out by flaws. Since this is just a beta, it could be better once finished.

This was made on 2/9/11, and I am only the twelfth person to review it.

A fatal Broken Button


Unfortunately the buttons to actually start any gameplay seem to be broken. No matter what difficulty (beginner, intermediate, hard) or game (single or two player), the buttons lead me back to what would be the main menu. If I hit the main menu button, it takes me back to the loading screen.

Once resolved, this game shows a lot of promise to be interesting with the amount of depth put into making the full gameplay manual.

glider521al responds:

I fixed it, the problem occured when I added the NG loader.

I forgot to update the frame the button was meant to link to,

P.s. To anyone else who may be reading this. Now that the fatal error has been fixed I need reviews from people who've got a chance to play the game.
I've spent months just getting it to this stage.

not fun..

looks like you have solved the problem u had earlier. thats good but the gameplay or the game itself is not fun or interesting in any way... atleast not to me.. this kind of shooter games are so last millennium...

glider521al responds:

Thanks alot for your absolutely unhelpful criticism.
Care to elaborate on why you found it "not fun"?
If you're biased against the genre of top down shooters please don't insult my work. There are plenty of popular Top Down Flash Shooters.
(e.g. Boxhead for one)
I've spent 3 damn months just making the engine, I was hoping to get someone who actually played the game for more than one minute before judging it.

If you look at the reviews for the previous version it received four reviews averaging 7/10, with most people saying that they enjoyed the gameplay.

For only 20 minutes I had a glitch whilst experimenting with preloaders and everyone comments on it.
Now that I've fixed it, no-one cares to comment on a single specific game feature they liked/disliked. :(