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Reviews for "Heaven and Hell"


boring. love the concept, but this is just too easy, with no challenge and not enough interactivity, because you're stuck in being a noob the entire damn time. speed up the beginning a little, and make the combat a hell of a lot harder. literally; you are, in fact, supposed to be IN HELL. make the combat seem like it! let me know when you've fixed this, and i'll be happy to contradict myself. good day, sir.

uhg try again

like many have said, it is a great concept of being yaway's hitman for 40 days on land that's being destroyed by an army of evil but all you will ever use souls on is seeds. i wanted to kill demons not be the lords private tiller. most of the enemys are a joke except the jumping ones until you figure out his weakness, then it falls back to easy. i wouldn't mind a good boss fight as well, i know this is a small time game but it would vastly improve it. this game couldn't even be called a fun little time waster, just a time waster when it started becoming an annoying quest to see if the ending is good upon which i was dissapointed. it wouldn't hurt to of had new weapons or abilities or anything useful seeing as how the bomb could only be set before the match which left you hoping it wasn't wasted on a spider and nothing could be used for dragons although holding space and jumping occasionaly will get anyone through this, not to mention that on more than a few occasions the demons will just walk off the edge as if saying they don't even want to be in your game. in essence you had a possibly inovative concept but you didn't know what to do with it in the slightest, creating a neglectable hack and slash (if you loosely define hack and slash). 4/10 2/5

EggysGames responds:


Good concept but bad gameplay

I really liked the theme and was kind exicited to see what the game was like based on the title. Then I actually started playing and was quickly bored and dissapointed. I didn't for more than five minutes because I knew what to expect. You should have more varieties of enemies like imps and lesser demons. You should also have more and better upgrades, and maybe put in a feature like multiplayer. I think it would be a more enjoyable game if you could fight off vicious hordes of demons with a friend or two. And their should also be a weapon system like being able to choose a scythe, halo , trumpet, golden bow and arrows, holy water, etc. Weapon variety and ugrades is a top priority. You add that factor in with increased enemy types and this game will be a winner. Last but not least, for the final day it should be a boss battle against Beelzebub himself. (Also known as Satan for those uneducated in religious texts) That would end the gang with a bang for sure.

eerr it was kool but...

There's no need or reason to upgrade in this game and there's no real challenge to it. I thought it had a kool little, like, theme er whatever but s far as actual game play goes i think it could've been much better.

Hooray! Guh...

That's pretty much how I felt as the game progressed. I was happy killing things, and it was a tad worrisome about the land and there not being enough of it (I almost fell off two or three times). It was looking to be a really enjoyable game to me. But then THIS happened...

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y2/O mega911/OMGWTFBBQ.jpg

That's a screenshot of me after about three minutes of being able to do nothing. I was completely indestructible, but I couldn't MOVE. Thus, the demons destroyed the land I worked so hard to defend and left it with what you see here. They stood in one spot and continued to shoot at me, even though the shots passed right through me and did no damage at all.

How did this happen?

Well, I fell down there, so I used the wings just before hitting the bottom. It'd be nice if you could fix this little glitch. Otherwise, it's a pretty exciting game. That said, I only got to about day 15 or so.