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Reviews for "Arm of Revenge"

Your name says it all...

This game right here is fun as hell but two things:

1.) A walkthrough for the big robot, I had to rely on tons of green and blue vials to survive it and I know that's not your intention.
2.) A walkthrough for the final boss, his berserk mode is tooooooooooo difficult to defeat.


Was a very nice game, but at times it just got way too repetitive. The combos and special moves were varied and a nice touch, and the enemies were different enough to keep the game interesting. The art frames flowed well without any bad spikes, and the bosses were hard enough to be called bosses.

Nothing really bad here. Solid game.

Only real problem I had was dying a lot and having to start over from the beginning of a stage, and some of those stages were just...not fun. I stopped probably 1 stage before the second boss.

Awesome game, though.

5 out of 5

I enjoy games that look like effort was made. And I saw effort here.

really like the fight scheme

I would love to work on a 3D version of these type of games : 3 .

Best beat'em flash game I evah played, PERIOD!

I´m totally into this one. Best plataform/fighting game made in flash EVER Combines the best elements of my favorite games.

I would really dare to put this one side by side with megaman series (It only need a better plot and MOAR EPISODES!)

Difficulty is OK! I´m glad it´s hard in the begining because it really demands you to learn and think! Also I love how you didin't use the "just change the colors" trick for making new enemies - I mean, you did recycle the sprites but aways changing something to add personality to the enemies. The art is perfect and the gameplay also. I loved the cyberpunk atmosfere too.

Think about this when developing the sequel (THIS GAME NEEDS ONE!):

Better story development - I found the plot too shallow, and the bosses seem to have more personality than the main character.

Last boss is too easy... the mega robot ended being the hardest to beat without using powerups.

I´m sad cuz i can´t execute the super rising dragon...

The only real glitch I've detected is that sometimes you don´t have the "back" button on the map screen.

I didnt understand the blade mechanism... does it matter wich one you buy?

Would like too see the classic motorcicle shotting stage and the classic antagonist

If I change to blade arm, then to gun arm, I can´t go back to normal with one change (must change back to blade and then to normal arm).

Grapple/Trows are missing (must be horrible implement, i know).

When I fill an energy storage I should be able to drain it back to my energy bar (sometimes I have 4 full energy slots and just can´t sprint because my bar is empty).

It´s cool too see npc suport but it´s really useless compared to beserk mode and the GODDAM FUCKING COOL SET OF SKILLS YOU´VE MADE!

ALSO, WTF are the three itens below the score/xp??? It´s killing me (REALLY, WHAT ARE THOSE?)

That's all I can think for now, cheers people you have my respect.
This is a masterpiece, please make a sequel!

Keep on the good work, now let me beat some bad guys! Air combos whoa!!!

Great game. I had already played some time ago, but I'm still stuck against the giant robot-thing, even if I have bought a lot of upgrades. Is there something special to do or is it just ultra-hard?