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Reviews for "Deadly Venom 2 - Origins"

It's good but with some hang-ups.

I really liked what you did with this game. It's well put together, has some cohesion to it and is beautiful to look at. The problems are with the gameplay. I struggled during sections where I'm expected to employ grenades to get past the guards. I discovered that the amount of time it takes you to chuck a grenade is slightly more than the time it takes the guards to murder your face off. Which led me to ask myself a question: Why is that I couldn't have thrown this grenade from behind that wall I was just behind? Same goes for the pistol too, actually. It seems odd that I'd sacrifice my cover, hurl myself out into the center of a room, and hope the guards don't shoot me while I frantically click the mouse button to get my attacks out. Those sections are why I didn't bother finishing it, but I don't want to deter others from giving it a shot. It's obvious you put a LOT of effort into this.


Man i love DV!
My own 5 years Brother play it,and he LOVES it!
And i love your games!!!!! :D

not bad

its kind of boring but ah i guess its ok .

Not bad

I don't see why people are having so many problems with the quicktime events; the only time I ever messed something up was when I hit the wrong button due to anticipation (I expected W, but got S instead or something), not because I didn't have enough time. The graphics weren't bad, but nothing to really impress, either. I do have a couple of suggestions: first, keypads that have been hacked and doors that have been opened via use of the thermal goggles should stay open. I understand in a real compound, this would not be the case, but we're talking about ion cannons and computer-chip-controlled clones, so obviously realism can be put on the back burner.

Secondly, in the next game you might want to factor in line of sight for the enemies; in the control room in which I blew up my motorcycle, I was once killed by the guy at the far end of the room after I finished stealth-killing the closer one and had retreated back behind the wall. Regardless of if he saw me, he shouldn't have been able to kill me if I was able to hide before he was able to shoot.

My next problem is storyline-based... SPOILERS, so you other people have been warned. If the scientist was in the operating room when the body raised its arm, how did his body end up down the elevator (which requires a four-digit code) and past the garage? The creature was locked in a cage or cell of some sort, so it can be assumed that the guard outside of the garage could have locked it in the cage, but why leave the scientist's mutilated body lying on the ground, especially with the key to the ONLY vehicle in the garage sitting on the ground next to him? Of course, that's assuming that the creature in the cage and the one we saw in the cut scene are one and the same... we really don't know one way or the other. The ending made very little sense and didn't explain anything, in my opinion.

My final gripe, which is the least of my concerns, is that the message the player is given at the end of the game is a lie... it states that all costumes have been unlocked, but I can still only access the default costume in both a continued game and a new game. I even went back through the game and beat it without dying to see if that helped, and yet only the default costume remained unlocked. It's not a good thing to lie to your players.

As an unrelated question, why are women such as the protagonist so frequently portrayed wearing outfits that reveal TONS of cleavage and stiletto heels? I think four-inch heels wouldn't exactly be helpful in stealth situations. It's not that I'm complaining; cleavage, skin-tight suits, and heels are great, but a bit unrealistic. Of course, as I argued up above, this game isn't meant to be realistic, so the same argument can be used against me. I was just curious why it seems to be such a trend, though... catering to your mostly male audience, I suppose.

This is lame

It's super lame how you have ZERO time to react to which button it tells you to press. that was intensely fucking annoying. Makes your otherwise really well laid out game frustrating to play, and not worth the hassle of repeatedly retrying