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Reviews for "Dravalanche"

simple yet fun

good job


it is your first game, right? it has some bugs, the dragon is easy to beat once you figure out, how.

ice over lava that doesnt melt? the ice dragon must be very strong, but why he hasnt freeze the "hero"? a pickaxe against a dragon, seriously?

no jumping action because the dragon shoots ice cicles or so? it has no story and why, and i ask again, why are dragons bad? it must give a reason why the dragon freezed all these people, but why?

i have a idea: some humans stealed the dragon eggs, the dragon want them back, the villagers told you, the hero, that the dragon freezed some people cus he is bad, you fight against the dragon, before the dragon dies he say what really happened and you must now decide: kill those draggon egg stealing people or disbelieve the dragon and make the final attack so the dragon is dead. and then you have two different endings, can add more medals and some upgrades. oh, and dont forget the mute button.

Excellent game!!

I can handle only 3 medals!! I wish you had a trophy for this game!!!

Game Jam

I already participated a Game Jam and I know how hard it is. As a Game Jam product, I think it's great! Congratulations!
As a game, outside of the competition, if you are thinking about improving it, consider everything people have already said and you will do great!
As I said, for a 72 straight hours, 4 member game that you have to do based on a theme published at the start of the competition, it's great!

Has potential, but one playthrough was enough

I like games that do one thing, but do it well. At first, I thought Dravalanche would be one of those games. Sure, all I'm doing is freeing people with a pickaxe, but there's a certain puzzle element thrown in and it's a bit fun.

But then here come the boss battles, which felt entirely out of place in this game to be honest. Up until that point I'm using the pickaxe to move around the screen and now suddenly it's a weapon? I had no idea how to even USE it as such at first and was frantically searching my keyboard for a hidden attack button I didn't know about.

Eventually I did get killed from the dragon, but mostly because I wasted my first two hearts figuring out what the hell I was supposed to be doing. And let me just say, when you die and start back from the beginning, you don't want to go through it all again.

Why? Because it's tedious.

While the concept was fun and there was plenty of potential, the gameplay itself was bogged down by the repatative digging. Add an irritating BGM to that and you have an experience that is more irritating than anything.

But then again, I can recognize the time frame in which this game was made put severe limitations on your ability to make it as best as it could be. I think if you were to make a sequel to this or if you redid the game to have some more challenge and cut back on the repetitiveness (or at least added powerups so that you could eventually break the ice faster) you'd have a better game.